Letters for Parishes

Petitions for the 2013 World Day of Prayer for China

Guidelines Fast & Abstinence 2013 (Spanish)

Collection Central and Eastern Europe 2013 (Spanish)

Collection Holy Land 2013 (Spanish)

Letter from Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.

Fortnight for Religious Liberty Conference at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary (June 23-24, 2012)

Fortnight for Freedom in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (June 21-July 4, 2012)

USCCB Nationwide Bulletin Insert: Why Conscience is Important  (Spanish)

May 4, 2012 - Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Chaput (Spanish)

Bulletin Insert: Know the Positions of Pennsylvania's U.S. Senate Candidates (Courtesy of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference)

Bulletin Insert: Know the Positions of Pennsylvania Statewide Candidates (Courtesy of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference)

Political Activities Guidelines for Catholic Institutions in Pennsylvania (Courtesy of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference)

Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship - Bulletin Insert from the USCCB
/ Spanish)

Bishops Call Day of Prayer, Fasting, Abstinence for Religious Liberty - March 7, 2012
/ Spanish)

Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land 2012

Pastoral Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa 2012

Central and Eastern Europe Collection 2012

Bulletin Insert: Catholic Charities Appeal 2012

Bulletin Insert: Urgent Action Needed on HHS Contraceptive Mandates  (English / Spanish)

HHS Edict Violates Conscience Rights - February 1, 2012  (English / Spanish)

Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Chaput - December 8 2011  (English / Spanish)

Annual Retirement Fund for Religious Collection 2011

Roman Missal

Catholic and Proud

World Mission Sunday 2011

Bulletin Insert from the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference on the HHS Contraceptive Mandate

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