
Office for Consecrated Life

The consecrated life, especially in difficult times, is a blessing for human life and for the life of the church,” Pope John Paul II writes in ‘Vita Consecrata’ (The Consecrated Life), his apostolic exhortation. To assist those who feel called to the consecrated life, the Office for Consecrated Life lists those Congregations who serve in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Please see listing below.

2019 Jubilarians

85 Years                                                        

Sr. Mary Berenice Eltz, R.S.M.         

80 Years

Sr.Consolata Pylilo C.S.F.N.

Sr. M. Regis Wesolowski, C.S.F.N.

75 Years                                                        

Sr. Nadine Rose Bennett, O.S.F.

Sr. Agnes Bonner, O.S.F.

Sr. Sally Dougherty, S.S.J.

Sr. Dorothy Dunn, G.N.S.H.

Rev. Joseph J. Getz, O.S.A. (Religious Profession)

Sr. Sister Ann Bernadette Harron, G.N.S.H.

Sr. Veronica Kaiser, S.S.J.

Sr. Therese Benedict Maguire, S.S.J.

Sr. James Frances McGlashen, O.S.F.

Br. Emery Francis Mollenhauer, F.S.C.

Sr. Anthony Therese of the Sacred Heart Palchick, M.S.B.T.

Sr. Mary Rita Robinson, R.S.M.

Sr. Ann Muriel Ronan, S.S.J.

Sr. Dorothy Rooney, S.S.J.    

Sr. Mary Rachel Torrieri, I.H.M.

70 Years        

Sr. Jeanne Adams, S.H.C.J.

Sr. Dorothy Annas, S.S.J.

Sr. Sister Frances William Avery, G.N.S.H.

Sr. Maria Clemens Baronett, I.H.M.

Sr. Corda Marie Bergbauer, O.S.F.

Sr. Eleanor Mary Bringenberg, S.S.J.

Sr. Margaret St. John Brocato, O.S.F.

Rev. John J. Byrnes, O.S.A. (Religious Profession)

Sr. Helen P. Clifton, S.S.J.

Sr. Mary Teresa Coll, O.S.F.

Sr. Jane Coyle, M.M.S.

Sr. Nancy Crossen, O.S.F.

Rev. Silvio D’Ostilio, CSSp.

   Religious Profession – 65 years ordained)

Sr. Lorraine Phyllis DeViller, S.H.C.J.

Sr. Incarnata Maria DiPilla, I.H.M.

Sr. Aletta Dorothy Donahue, O.S.F.

Sr. Joan Donahue, R.S.M.

Sr. Mary Rose Dugan, S.S.J.

Sr. Mary Shaun of the Holy Eucharist Dunphy, M.S.B.T.

Sr. Kathleen Fitzgerald, M.M.S.

Sr. Helen Ann Gaidos, O.S.F.

Sr. Mary Aquinas Hamilton, M.M.S.

Sr. Mary Louise Heinle, O.S.F.

Sr. Marie Patris Hogan, I.H.M.

Sr. M. Agnes Hughes, I.H.M.

Sr. Eileen Kean, S.S.J.

Sr. Muriel Kershaw, R.S.M.

Sr. Ann Conrad Koerner, O.S.F.

Sr. Marie Bernadette of the Holy Family Lang, M.S.B.T.

Sr. Sister Miriam Theresa Lavelle, R.S.M.

Sr. Jean Levenstein, S.S.J.

Sr. Margaret Mary Lewis, O.S.F.

Sr. Mary Jacinta of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Lieber, M.S.B.T.

Sr. Theodosia Lukiw, O.S.B.M.

Sr. Alice Patrice, McGinnis, S.S.J.

Sr. Cora Marie of the Holy Family McGuire, M.S.B.T.

Sr. Mary P. McKinley, I.H.M.

Sr. Justina Marie Miller, O.S.F.

Sr. Ida Marie Nicklas, O.S.F.

Sr. Annie Frances Oman, O.S.F.

Sr. Laura Palka, O.S.B.M.

Sr. M. Rita Partyka, C.S.F.N.

Sr. Helen Regina Schwarz, S.H.C.J.

Sister M. Ruth Catherine Spain, S.B.S.

Sr. M. Bernadette Sznurkowski, C.S.F.N.

Sr. Mildred Ruth Whall, S.H.C.J.

Rev. Thomas J. Wheeler, S.J. (Religious Profession)

Sr. Sally White, G.N.S.H.

Sr. Stephen Francis of the Precious Blood Winder, M.S.B.T.

Sr. Maria Prudens Wright, I.H.M.

65 Years

Rev. John P. Betoni, O.S.A. (Religious Profession)

Rev. William M. Cleary, O.S.A. (Religious Profession)

Sr. M. Doloretta Dawid, C.S.F.N.

Sr. Chrysostom Lukiw, O.S.B.M.

Rev. William Howard McGraw, O.S.A. (Religious Profession)

Sr. M. Aurea Stroik, C.S.F.N.

Sr. M. Ruth Ruster, C.S.F.N.

60 Years

Sr. Elizabeth Teresa of Jesus Baeringeer, l.s.p.

Sr. Christine Marie Baltas, M.S.C.

Sr. Kathleen Boyce, R.S.M.

Rev. Henry M. Bradbury, C.M.

Sr. Ellen Casey, S.S.J.

Sr. Maryan Chappetto, I.H.M.

Rev. Edward C. Dougherty, S.J. (Religious Profession)

Sr. Mary Margaret Fee, S.S.J.

Sr. Jane Fell, M.M.S.

Sr. Joan Freney, R.S.M.

Sr. Patricia Geary, G.N.S.H.

Sr. Kathleen Gennett, R.S.M.

Sr. Agnes Bernadette Gott, O.P.

Sr. Mary Alphonse Hamel, C.S.R.

Sr.. Janet Henry, R.S.M.

Sr. Maryann Horan, R.S.M.

Sr. Mary Hottenroth, S.B.S.

Sr. Ann Louise Impink, S.S.N.D.

Sr. Marie Bernadette Kinniry, R.S.M.

Sr. Louise Luby, R.S.M.

Sr. M. Kathleen Theresa Maguire, I.H.M.

Sr. Mary Catherine Manley, S.S.J.

Sr. Loretto Eugenia Mapa, R.A.

Sr. Marian Gregory Mazzotta, I.H.M.

Sr. Eleanor McCann, R.S.M.

Rev. John W. McDaniel, S.J. (Religious Profession)

Sr. Sheila McGinnis, M.M.S.

Sr. Arleen Mary McNicholas, S.S.J

Sr. Geraldine Mikulec, S.B.S.

Rev. James W. Moore, S.J.

Sr. Kathleen Moriarty, S.S.J.

Sr. Maureen Murray, R.S.M.

Sr. Barbara Anne Newton, R.S.M.

Sr. Sagrario Nuñez, A.C.J.

Sr. Jude Mary O’Donnell, I.H.M.

Sr. Anna Quigley, R.S.M.

Rev. Edwin J. Sanders, S.J.

Rev. William J. Sneck, S.J. (Religious Profession)

Sr. Joan Soary, R.S.M.

Sr. Joan Spearing, S.H.C.J.

Sr. Margaret Taylor, R.S.M.

Br. Joseph Jerald Willard, F.C.S.       

Sr. Anne Woodeshick, R.S.M.

55 Years

Rev. James E. Dalton, O.S.F.S. (Religious Profession)

Sr. Ann Laszok, O.S.B.M.

Sr. Monica Lesnick, O.S.B.M.

Rev. Edward L. Rauch, O.S.F.S.

50 Years

Sr. Mary Gertrude Borres, R.A.

Sr. Mary Ann Besitka, I.H.M.

Sr. Dolores Joseph Bozzelli, I.H.M.

Sr. M. Barbara Burnett, I.H.M.

Sr. M. Anne Veronica Burrows, I.H.M.

Sr. Geraldine M. Cantwell, I.H.M.

Rev. Thomas J. Casey, O.S.A.

Rev, Joseph F. Chorpenning, O.S.F.S.

    (Religious Profession – 40 year ordained)

Sr. M. Ellen T. Convey, I.H.M.

Sr. Sister M. Angela Cresswell C.S.F.N.

Sr. Marlene Daltwas, I.H.M.

Sr. Mary Winifred Feeney, I.H.M.

Sr. Evelyn Marita Figueroa, C.S.F.N.

Sr. M. Linda Filipponi, I.H.M.5

Sr. M. Francis Michael Finsterbusch, I.H.M.

Sr. M. Patricia Anne Flanigan, I.H.M.

Sr. Catherine of the Precious Blood Frain, l.s.p.

Rev. Vincent J. Genovesi, S.J.

Sr. Ellen M. Giardino, I.H.M.

Sr. M. Eileen Therese Gillespie, I.H.M.

Sr. Elaine Marie Glanz, I.H.M.

Rev. Joseph J. Godfrey, S.J.

Sr. Mary Magdalene Greco, O.S.F.

Sr. Madeleleine Jude Hamilton, S.S.J.

Sr. Barbara Ann Harold, O.S.F.

Sr. Mary Lorraine Holzman, I.H.M.

Sr. M. Rose Patrice Kuhn, I.H.M.

Rev. Brendan G. Lally, S.J. (Religious Profession)

Sr. Thais M. Margiotta, I.H.M.

Sr. Marjorie M. McCall, I.H.M.

Sr. Marie Christine McKenna, I.H.M.

Sr. M. Constance Therese Meck, I.H.M.

Sr. Kathleen Marie Metz, I.H.M.

Sr. M. Patricia Micklos, I.H.M.

Sr. M. Carol Mockus, C.S.F.N.

Sr. M. Barbara Ann Montague, I.H.M.

Sr. M. Michael Raymons Moore, I.H.M.

Sr. Sister Lorraine Mugli, S.S.J.

Sr. M. Kathleen Nuckols, I.H.M.

Sr. Mary P. O’Connor, I.H.M.

Sr. M. Janice Owens, I.H.M.

Sr. Patricia Rogan, S.B.S.

Sr. Sister Anna Saltzman, R.S.M.

Rev. Patrick H. Samway, S.J.

Sr. M. Helen Teresa Smythe, I.H.M.

Sr, M. Linda Uhrin, I.H.M.

Sr. Rose Mary Walsh, I.H.M.


Br. Brian Henderson, F.S.C.

25 Years

Rev. Janez Percic, S.J.

Sr. Mary Sue Sopcynski, M.M.S.

Sr. Abhaya Thekkan, M.M.S.

Sr. M. Silvana Vega, I.H.M.


September 8, 2019

Jubilarian Mass at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul 11 a.m.

Saturday, Dec. 14 2019

Advent Day of Retreat

Sunday, Feb. 2 2020
World Day of Consecrated Life
11:00am Holy Mass and reception to follow

Saturday March 14 2020
Lenten Day of Retreat

Saturday, Dec. 12 2020
Advent Day of Retreat

Details will follow for each retreat and celebration as we near the dates


Sister Gabrielle Mary Braccio, RSM
Delegate for Consecrated Life
222 North 17th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-1299
10th Floor Room 1029

Phone: 215-587-3795
Fax: 215-587-3790

Congregations of Men

Congregations of Women