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News Releases from the Archdiocese

USCCB: Statement of U.S. Bishops’ Chairman for Asian and Pacific Island Affairs on Discrimination Against the Asian Community

Publish date: March 22, 2021

Following deadly shootings at three businesses in the greater Atlanta area this past week and the dialogue that has been ignited about other reported incidents of aggression against people of Asian descent, Bishop Oscar A. Solis of Salt Lake City, and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Island Affairs decried the culture of death, hatred and violence that underlies these incidents and called for solidarity with the vulnerable. The full statement follows:

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Featured Links and Events

CCA 2021

Gifts made to the Catholic Charities Appeal support close to 180 ministries and programs.

Parish Support Initiative

Click here to support your local parish offertory through the Parish Support Initiative

The Voices of Faith Radio Program

Tune into the Voices of Faith radio program on WPHT/1210am the first Saturday of every month at 5:00 p.m. for a powerful message of hope from Archbishop Pérez. Click here to listen to the live broadcast via your smart phone. If you miss a show, you can listen at your convenience on the Voices of Faith YouTube channel.

CRS Rice Bowl

Throughout Lent, faithful are encouraged to participate in Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) Rice Bowl initiative, which provides ways to incorporate fasting and almsgiving into our Lenten journeys. In our Archdiocese, 25% percent of all donations to CRS Rice Bowl benefits Nutritional Development Services supporting hunger alleviation efforts locally. For more information, please click here.

Bioethics of COVID-19 Vaccines

The development of vaccines to combat the COVID-19 pandemic has received much public attention and raised several ethical questions related to their development and use. The Office for Life and Family has gathered resources to provide information about the COVID-19 vaccines in relation to the pro-life movement here.

Forming a People of Life Faith Formation Series

Join the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul on Wednesday, March 24th and Wednesday, June 16th from 7:00-8:30 p.m. for a special faith formation series. The series will explore the Church’s teachings on the urgent social issues of our day so as to be strengthened in our resolve to defend them and also be equipped to dialogue fruitfully with others. For more information, please visit

Things Worth Dying For: Thoughts on a Life Worth Living

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap, Archbishop Emeritus of Philadelphia and bestselling author of Strangers in a Strange Land, has authored a book that examines life’s central questions: why are we here, and how can we live and die meaningfully? With compelling grace, he shows us that the things worth dying for reveal most powerfully the things worth living for. Click here to learn more and order your copy

Arise: Restoring Catholic Life after the Pandemic

The period immediately following the lifting of the COVID19 restrictions requires us to be ready to assist people to reintegrate into an active, in person engagement with parish life. To find resources, guidelines, recommendations, and directives for parishes and Archdiocesan institutions for the period following the lifting of the COVID19 restrictions, please click here.


The Pastoral and Temporal Response of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic


Resources from the Office for Catholic Education Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Catholic Schools

With 141 schools across five counties, find a school that is right for you. Explore the Archdiocese’s Elementary, Secondary, Special Education and Early Childhood Programs.

Mark Stice Agency: Knight of Columbus

For over 130 years, the primary mission of Knights of Columbus Insurance has been to provide financial security to members and their families. With over 1.9 million members in 15,000 councils, Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic family service organization, donating $1.55 billion and 691 million volunteer hours to charitable projects over the past decade. Offering top-quality life insurance, long term care insurance, disability income insurance, and annuity products, we are your shield for life.

The Institute for Christian Formation

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary recently launched the Institute for Christian Formation. The Institute offers a dynamic, new program of spiritual formation and development for men and women in a non-degree/non-credit format. Through small, interactive sessions led by acclaimed SCB faculty members and other vibrant speakers, participants will gain a deeper understanding of their faith. For more information, please click here.

Archdiocesan Audited Financial Statements and Additional Financial Information

For copies of current audited financial statements for entities of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia as well as information about the Archdiocesan Finance Council and parish financial policies, please click here.

File an EthicsPoint Report

The Archdiocese has selected EthicsPoint to provide you with a way to anonymously and confidentially report actual or possible violations of financial policies.

Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting System

CBAR is a service operated by Convercent, Inc. an independent, third-party entity that provides intake services to private institutions for reports of sensitive topics such as sexual harassment through a secure, confidential, and professional platform. Individuals may go to to file a report or call (800) 276-1562.

The Holy See

The official website of the Holy See is available in six languages. This website is updated regularly with news about Pope Francis, the Vatican, and issues facing the Church and the World.

Office for Divine Worship Workshops

The Office for Divine Worship offers workshops for lectors and ministers of Holy Communion that are designed to provide ongoing formation for this important liturgical ministry.

Pope Francis’ Encyclical “Fratelli Tutti”

Pope Francis recently released his latest encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” on fraternity and social friendship. The encyclical is available in English and Spanish.