Press Release Index

2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
2006| 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998

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December 22, 1999: Cardinal Asks for Prayer for Venezuelan Disaster

December 22, 1999: Operation Santa Claus Ends with Special Liturgy

December 22, 1999: Santa and his Elves are on Their Way to Needy Children

December 21, 1999: Cardinal to Host New Year's Eve Ecumenical Service

December 20, 1999: Cardinal to Celebrate Opening of Jubilee Year on Christmas Eve

December 20, 1999: Cardinal Issues Jubilee Year Message

December 17, 1999: O'Hara Family Christmas

December 14, 1999: It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas

December 13,1999: Cardinal Approves Plan for Philadelphia-North

December 10,1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Host 44th Annual Children's Christmas Party

December 9, 1999: Drexel Students Travel to Indian School Founded by Blessed Katharine Drexel

December 6, 1999: Archdiocese of Philadelphia to Present Forum on HIV/AIDS

November 30. 1999: 22 Archdiocesan High School Seniors Receive Haab Science Scholarship

November 30, 1999: Local Teens Will "Skate with Santa"

November 29, 1999: Operation Santa Claus - 35,000 Toys Needed

November 23,1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua Announces Launch of Hispanic Radio Show

November 18, 1999: CYO Hosts Redmond Basketball Tournament

November 18, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua on Passage of Ex Corde Ecclesiae

November 15, 1999: Cardinal To Launch Millennium Efforts

November 15, 1999: Cardinal Accepts Plan For Philadelphia-South Cluster

November 12, 1999: St. Maria Goretti Students Showcased

November 5, 1999: Cardinal to Celebrate St. Martin de Porres Mass

November 5, 1999: Parish Life Congress '99

November 4, 1999: St. Francis de Sales School Receives Philadelphia Bar Foundation Apothaker Award

November 3, 1999: Newman Centers Help Clean Up South Philadelphia

November 2, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua Recipient of Penn Club Award

October 29, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua To Host Youth Forums on Violence

October 27, 1999: Cardinal Hails Signing of Justification Agreement with Lutherans

October 20, 1999: Youthfest '99

October 20, 1999: Archdiocese Releases Municipal Candidates Questionnaire

October 15, 1999: Notre Dame Students Volunteer in Archdiocese

October 13, 1999: Distinguished Catholic School Graduate Awards

October 8, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Lead Walk for Peace

October 7, 1999: Blessed Katharine Drexel Moves a Step Closer to Canonization

October 6, 1999: Relics of St. Therese to Visit Archdiocese

October 4, 1999: Statement by Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua on John Bartram High School Shooting

October 1, 1999: Seminars on Cardinal's Pastoral Letter on Racism

September 28, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua to lead groundbreaking ceremony for Norris Square Senior Housing, Inc.

September 27, 1999: St. John Neumann High School Meets $2 Million "Challenge Gift" Offer

September 22, 1999: St. Joseph Parish in Downingtown Receives National Catholic Stewardship Award

September 21,1999: Cardinal to Celebrate Puerto Rican Festival Mass

September 21, 1999: Cardinal Asks For Prayers For Victims of Earthquake in Taiwan

September 16, 1999: Conwell-Egan High School Hosts "Rally for School Choice"

September 15, 1999: Statement By Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua on Texas Church Shooting

September 14, 1999: Pennsylvania Bishops' Document on " Living Together"

September 14, 1999: Cardinal on Bishops' Document on " Living Together"

September 9, 1999: Day of Dialogue and Discernment

September 9, 1999: Cardinal Blesses New Educational Facility

September 8, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua Appeals for Peace in East Timor

September 8, 1999: Rally for School Choice at Conwelll-Egan High School

September 3, 1999: Cardinal to celebrate Mass for Religious Jubilarians.

September 1, 1999: Catholic Campaign for Human Devlopment Grants Available

August 31, 1999: T.O.D.A.Y. Theatre Presents "A Play on Words: A Work of Art"

August 30, 1999: School Bells are Ringing in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

August 23, 1999: Archdiocesan Representatives to Testify on Catholic Education and School Choice

August 20, 1999: Cardinal Asks for Prayers for Victims of Earthquake in Turkey

August 19, 1999: Teens Embark on Appalachian Experience

August 17, 1999: Philadelphia Catholic League Meets to Discuss Safety Issues Related to the Drought

August 11, 1999: Statement of Cardinal Bevilacqua in Respose to Attack at Jewish Community in Los Angeles

August 9, 1999: Cardinal Approves Cluster 30 Pastoral Plan

August 5, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua Asks for Prayers for Rain

August 5, 1999: Don Guanella Plays Host to NBA Refs

August 3, 1999: Memorial Mass for Irish BombingVictims is August 14

July 26, 1999: Cardinal Urges Congress to deny China Trade Status

July 21, 1999: Catholic Social Services Organizes Park Clean-Up

July 19, 1999: Cardinal Prays for Kennedy and Bessette Families

July 15, 1999: Catholic Youth Rally 99

July 15, 1999: Cardinal To Preside at St. Ann's Novena

July 15, 1999: Cardinal Announces Adoption of Mission

July 14, 1999: Cardinal Welcomes Vatican Clarification

July 14, 1999: Background on three pastoral visits

July 12, 1999: Cardinal Makes Pastoral Visits to Those in Need

July 9, 1999: Theology on TAP

July 1, 1999: Cardinal Applauds House for Passing Child Custody Protection Act

July 1, 1999: Archdiocesan Faithful Raise $700,000 for Kosovo

June 24, 1999: Cardinal Saddened by Shooting at Norristown State Hospital

June 21, 1999: Archdiocesan Boy Choir to Sing for Pope

June 21, 1999: Four Archdiocesan Students Receive Creative Arts Awards

June 17, 1999: Cardinal Disappointed - No Vote on School Choice

June 11, 1999: CSS Family Service Center to be Dedicated in West Grove

June 10, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua Hopeful for Peace Process

June 10, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Ordination

June 7, 1999: Archdiocesan Students Participate in Rally for School Choice

June 3, 1999: Sister from Archdiocese Wins Paul VI Evangelization Award

June 3, 1999: Life Awareness Weekend

June 2, 1999: St. Anthony Celebrates Rich History

May 27, 1999: Archdiocesan High School Graduations

May 26, 1999: Faithful Asked to Take Part in AIDS Awareness Day

May 21, 1999: St. Hubert High School for Girls Holds Prayer Service Dedicating the School to "Our Lady Queen of Peace"

May 17, 1999: Cardinal Accepts Plan for Delaware County Cluster

May 17, 1999: Cardinal Accepts Plan for South Phila. Cluster

May 12, 1999: Community Service Corps Install New Officers

May 10, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua Accepts Cluster Plan for Cluster 43

May 10, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua Accepts Cluster Plan for Cluster 52

May 10, 1999: 40th Annual Recognition Dinner for CYO

May 7, 1999: Cardinal Reacts to Comments by Condemned Killer

May 6, 1999: Today Program Spring Semi-Formal

May 5, 1999: School Choice is One Step Closer!

May 5, 1999: Blocs Annual Gala

May 5, 1999: Archdiocese Releases First Municipal Voters Guide

May 4, 1999: Rev. Mr. Christopher M. Walsh Ordained

May 4, 1999: Rev. Mr. Jeffrey M. Stecz Ordained

May 4, 1999: Rev. Mr. John C. Nguyen Ordained

May 4, 1999: Rev. Mr. Patrick S. McManus Ordained

May 4, 1999: Rev. Mr. Joseph C. McCaffrey Ordained

May 4, 1999: Rev. Mr. Brian P. Hennessy Ordained

May 4, 1999: Rev. Mr. Matthew W. Guckin Ordained

May 4, 1999: Rev. Mr. John R. DiOrio Ordained

May 4, 1999: Rev. Mr. Phillip G. Bochanski Ordained

May 4, 1999: Rev. Mr. William G. Ayres Ordained

May 4, 1999: Cardinal Ordains Ten Men to Priesthood

May 3, 1999: Cardinal Appoints New Regional Vicar for Bucks County

April 29, 1999: Goretti Student Named "Pennsylvania Youth of the Year"

April 28, 1999: Cardinal Leads Prayer Service for Peace in Kosovo

April 28, 1999: Archdiocese Reunites Refugees with Families in US

April 27, 1999: 1999 Catholic Charities Appeal Kick-Off Celebration

April 26, 1999: Mass for Persons with Disabilities

April 26, 1999: Cardinal Accepts Delaware County Cluster Plan

April 22, 1999: One Day Institute on Open Adoption

April 21, 1999: Prayer Service for Kosovo at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

April 21, 1999: Cardinal on School Shooting

April 20, 1999: Academic Honors Convocation

April 19, 1999: Cardinal Accepts Plan for South Philadelphia

April 19, 1999: Cardinal Accepts Plan for Montgomery County Cluster

April 16, 1999: Cardinal Celebrates St. Gabriel's 100th Anniversary

April 16, 1999: Missing Developmentally Disabled Woman

April 15, 1999: Josephine C. Connelly Achievement Awards

April 13, 1999: SciTech IV at John Neumann High School

April 13, 1999: Cluster 20 Parishes to Give Tours

April 13, 1999: Pilgrimage to Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

April 12, 1999: Cardinal Accepts Plan for Montgomery County Cluster

April 12, 1999: Cardinal Asks for Collection and Prayers for Kosovo

April 9, 1999: Cardinal to celebrate Divine Mercy Mass

April 2, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua and US Bishops Appeal to End Death Penalty

April 1, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua and US Cardinals Call for Peace in Yugoslavia

March 31, 1999: Archdiocese Launches Disciples in Mission

March 31, 1999: 1st Annual BLOCS Gala

March 30, 1999: Cardinal Applauds Governor

March 29, 1999: Voters Guide

March 29, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua's Easter Message to the People of the Archdiocese

March 26, 1999: Cardinal's Reaction to Kevorkian's Conviction

March 26, 1999: T.O.D.A.Y. Bunny Bunch

March 24, 1999: Cardinal Calls for Peace in Kosovo

March 23, 1999: Palm Sunday Youth Mass

March 22, 1999: Holy Week and Easter Liturgies

March 17, 1999: Cardinal Accepts Cluster 18 Pastoral Plan

March 16, 1999: Cardinal Holds Town Meeting for Vocations

March 16, 1999: Transfiguration Students to Visit Senate

March 16. 1999: Reconciliation Weekend

March 11, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua Celebrates St. Patrick's Day Observance Mass

March 8, 1999: Cardinal Announces Bless Me Line to Continue

March 4, 1999: Cardinal to Confirm Mentally Disabled

March 4, 1999: Catholic Youth Organization Hall of Fame Banquet

March 2, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Celebrate National Migration Week Mass

March 2, 1999: An Evening at the Academy

March 1, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua Issues Challenge to Employers

March 1, 1999: Archdiocese to Testify at Public Hearing on Welfare Reform

February 25, 1999: Blessed Katharine Drexel Feast Day Mass

February 25, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua Formalizes Protocol for Catholic Health Care Relationships

February 24, 1999: Archdiocese Honors Teachers

February 18, 1999: Cardinal Saddened by Cross Burning

February 18, 1999: Cardinal Welcomes New Members to Catholic Church

February 18, 1999: First Annual Archdiocesan Youth Conference

February 16, 1999: Parishioners to Take Part in Operation Rice Bowl

February 12, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua's Comments on the Senate Impeachment Vote

February 12, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua's Lenten Message

February 12, 1999: Ash Wednesday

February 10, 1999: Father Judge High School Basketball Coach Selected to Coach McDonald's All American East Team

February 10, 1999: Cardinal to Bless St. Francis Country House

February 4, 1999: Campfire Boys and Girls Salute American War Veterans

February 4, 1999: 1999 Academic Enrichment Grants Announced

February 3, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Celebrate Mass for Altar Servers

February 2, 1999: Cardinal Thanks Governor Ridge for Pledge of School Choice Funding

February 1, 1999: Proclamation for Catholic Schools Week

January 29, 1999: Archdiocese Raises $400,000 for Hurricane Mitch Victims

January 29, 1999: Marketplace Celebrates African American History

January 26, 1999: Catholic Schools Week

January 26, 1999: Cardinal accepts Cluster 31 Pastoral Plan

January 22, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua Joins Philadelphia Clergy in Appeal to Governor Ridge on Welfare Reform

January 21, 1999: Unique Catholic/Jewish Education Program

January 20, 1999: 6000 from Archdiocese to March for Life

January 19, 1999: Cardinal Accepts Cluster Plan for NE Philadelphia

January 15, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Commission "Home Visitors"

January 13, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Celebrate Mass for Life

January 12, 1999: Archdiocese of Philadelphia Events for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance

January 10, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua Dismayed at Closures and Consolidation of Parish Schools

January 8, 1999: Archdiocese Presents Inaugural Stewardship Day

January 5, 1999: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Preside at Prayer Service Honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 4, 1999: Closure of St. Paul Parish School

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