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December 28, 2000; Cardinal Bevilacqua to Close Jubilee Year
December 21, 2000: Christmas Liturgies at Cathedral Basilica of SS Peter and Paul
December 21, 2000: Operation Santa Claus Ends with Special Liturgy
December 21, 2000: Santa and His Elves are On Their Way to Needy Children
December 20, 2000: Christmas Liturgies at Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
December 20, 2000: Don Guanella to Host Villanova Men's Basketball Team
December 20, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Hosts 45th Annual Christmas Party for Children
December 14, 2000: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...
December 11, 2000: Local Teens will "Skate with Santa"
December 11, 2000: Cardinal's Statement on the Death of Bishop McHugh
December 7, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Announces First Archdiocesan Synod in Sixty-Six Years
December 6, 2000: "Operation Santa Claus" Opening Liturgy
December 4, 2000: Don Guanella Presents "Broadway on Skates"
December 1, 2000: Cardinal to Dedicate Evangelization Center at West Mount Airy Parish
November 30, 2000: Lansdale Catholic High School Task Force Shares Survey Results with Community
November 30, 2000: Saint Pius X Catholic High School Task Force Shares Survey Results with Community
November 28, 2000: Archdiocese of Philadelphia Celebrates Saint Katharine Drexel of Philadelphia
November 28, 2000: Departure for Those Attending Jubilee World Day for the Disabled in Rome
November 22, 2000: Christmas Card Project Helps to Feed the Hungry
November 22, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Announces Release of Vatican Document on Family and Marriage
November 20, 2000: Operation Santa Claus
November 20, 2000: Pennsylvania Catholic Bishops Issue Document on the Eucharist
November 17, 2000: Pilgrims with Special Needs to Attend Jubilee World Day for the Disabled in Rome
November 17, 2000: Archdiocese of Philadelphia Enters into Unique Partnership with America Online
November 14, 2000: T.O.D.A.Y. Thanksgiving Dance
November 13, 2000: CYO Hosts Basketball Tournament in Memory of Deceased Philadelphia Firefighter
November 6, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Celebrates Mass to Honor Saint Martin de Porres
October 31, 2000: Catholic Youth Organization Sponsors
October 30, 2000: St. Thomas More Becomes Patron Saint of Political Leaders on October 31
October 19, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Issues Pastoral Reflections on Catholic Health Care
October 18, 2000: Archdiocese to Hold Eucharistic Candlelight Procession
October 16,2000: Don Guanella Hosts Villanova Women's Basketball Team
October 16, 2000: Saint Gabriel's Hall to Receive $750,000 Grant
October 13, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Appeals for Peace in the Middle East
October 13, 2000: Youthfest 2000
October 3, 2000: Pilgrims Returns from Rome after Canonization of Saint Katharine Drexel
October 1, 2000: Pope John Paul II Canonizes Philadelphia Native
September 22, 2000: John W. Hallahan Catholic Girls High School Celebrates 100th Anniversary
September 21, 2000: Montgomery County Parishes of Cluster 76 Gather for Mass of Celebration
September 19, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Celebrate Puerto Rican Festival Mass
September 14, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Dedicate Norris Square Housing
September 13, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Bless New St. Maximilian Kolbe School in Westtown
September 12, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Discuss Canonization
September 12, 2000: Montgomery County Parishes of Cluster 71 Gather for Mass of Celebration
September 6, 2000: Special Mass to Honor Men and Women Religious
September 5, 2000: Teachers' Union Accepts Archdiocese Contract Offer
September 5, 2000: Update on Catholic High School Teacher Contract Negotiations
August 29, 2000:T.O.D.A.Y. Theater Presentation
August 28, 2000: Attorney General Task Force on School Safety to Hold Public Hearing
August 25, 2000: Cardinal Reacts to NIH Guidelines on Embryonic Stem Cell Research
August 25, 2000: It's Back to School Time in the Archdiocese
August 23, 2000: Show Features Work of Homeless Folk Artist
August 21, 2000: Cardinal Prays for Victims of Sunken Russian Submarine
August 18, 2000: One Millionth Meal Served
August 9, 2000: Back to School Bash
August 8, 2000: World Youth Day 2000
August 4, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Mourns the Passing of Auxiliary Bishop John Joseph Graham
August 4, 2000: Don Guanella Plays Host to NBA Referees
July 28, 2000: Cardinal to Give Closing Prayer at Republican National Convention
July 26, 2000: Archdiocese to Host Mass for Republican National Convention Delegates
July 13, 2000: Free Basketball Clinics for Boys and Girls
July 13, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Announces Creation of Matt Talbot-Emmaus Center
July 11, 2000: Let It Begin with Me...
July 7, 2000: Catholic Campaign for Human Development Marks 30th Anniversary
July 5, 2000: Celebrate Youth Rally 2000
July 5, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Makes Pastoral Visit to Philadelphia Detention Center
June 30, 2000: Cardinal Announces Names of New Parishes
June 29, 2000: St. Cyprian Parish Celebrates First Mass
June 28, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Saddened by Supreme Court Ruling on Partial-Birth Abortion
June 22, 2000: Don Guanella Celebrates 40th Anniversary
June 21, 2000: Philadelphia Teens Embark for Native American Experience
June 19, 2000: Archdiocese to Display AIDS Quilt
June 15, 2000: Catholic Institute for Evangelization Makes Music
June 12, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Makes Appointment to John Cardinal Krol Chair in Moral Theology
June 6, 2000: St. Rita's Senior Center Hosts Book Signing and Celebration
June 2, 2000: Homecoming 2000 Celebration at St. Patrick Church in Norristown
May 30, 2000: Archdiocesan High Schools Graduate 5,289 Seniors
May 24, 2000: "Don Guanella Hosts Thank You Carnival"
May 23, 2000: Cardinal Extends Prayers to Victims of Pier Tragedy and Their Families
May 18, 2000: Anthony M. Bozeman to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 18, 2000: James R. Casey to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 18, 2000: Michael A. Filippello to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 18, 2000: Joseph R. Hess to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 18, 2000: Mark S. Kunigonis to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 18, 2000: Christopher B. Rogers to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 18, 2000: Dominic Rossi to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 18, 2000: Joseph Shenosky to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 18, 2000: Patrick J. Welsh to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 18, 2000: Eugene C. Wilson to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 17, 2000: Archdiocesan Community Service Corps Installs New Officers
May 16, 2000: Cardinal Sends Birthday Wishes to Holy Father
May 16, 2000: Cardinal to Speak at Jewish Synagogue
May 16, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Ordain Ten Men to the Priesthood
May 12, 2000: Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools Holds Annual Gala
May 12, 2000: T.O.D.A.Y. Program Spring Semi-Formal
May 11, 2000: Academic Enrichment Program Awards $1,500,000 in Grants
May 11, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Remembers Cardinal O'Connor (Op-Ed From the Philadelphia Inquirer)
May 11, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Celebrate Memorial Mass for Cardinal O'Connor
May 5, 2000: The Josephine C. Connelly Achievement Awards
May 4, 2000: Statement by Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua Regarding Death of John Cardinal O'Connor
May 3, 2000: An Evening at the Academy
May 2, 2000: Neumann Scholars for 2000
April 25, 2000: Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools Annual Gala at Crystal Tea Room
April 19, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Makes "Statement of Forgiveness" During Good Friday Homily
April 18, 2000: Archdiocesan Youth Remember Columbine
April 17, 2000: Sister Constance Marie to Receive National Catholic Education Association Award
April 17, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Accepts Cluster Pastoral Plan for Montgomery County Cluster 71
April 17, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Accepts Cluster Pastoral Plan for Montgomery County Cluster 76
April 14, 2000: Archdiocese Presents Concert of Sacred Music
April 13, 2000: Project Rachel Offers Post Abortion Counseling
April 13, 2000: Holy Week and Easter Liturgies
April 10, 2000: Top 1.5% of Senior Class Honored for Their Outstanding Academic Excellence
April 5, 2000: 2000 Catholic Charities Appeal
April 3, 2000: Archdiocese to Host Eucharistic Convocation
March 31, 2000: T.O.D.A.Y. Bunny Brunch - An Easter Event for Disabled Youth
March27, 2000: Convocation 2000
March 23, 2000: Cardinal Promotes Census Participation
March 21, 2000: Archdiocese of Philadelphia to Publish Voters Guide for Primary Election
March 16, 2000: Decision of Vatican Medical Board Moves Mother Aviat Closer to Canonization
March 10, 2000: Pope Approves Canonization for Katharine Drexel; date set for October 1, 2000
March 9, 2000: Archdiocese Welcomes New Members to the Church
March 7, 2000: Archdiocesan Parishioners to Participate in 25th Anniversary of Operation Rice Bowl
March 6, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Celebrates Mass Honoring Feast Day of Blessed Katharine Drexel
March 3, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Celebrates Ash Wednesday Mass and Distributes Ashes
March 3, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua's Lenten Message
March 1, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Host Youth Forum on Violence for Elementary Students
March 1, 2000: "Kujenga" Leadership Training Weekend for African American Teens
February 28, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Celebrate Mass Honoring Blessed Katharine Drexel
February 25, 2000: Cardinal to Celebrate Mass for Altar Servers
February 24, 2000: 2nd Annual Archdiocesan Youth Conference
February 24, 2000: An Evening at the Academy
February 23, 2000: 7th Annual Archdiocesan Teacher Recognition Day
February 14, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua Accepts Cluster Pastoral Plan for Delaware County Cluster
February 14, 2000: Boy Scout Mass at Cathedral Celebrating National Scout Month
February 8, 2000: Philadelphia City Council Presents Resolution Honoring "Catholic Schools"
February 4, 2000: Be My Valentine
February 3, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Visit St. Charles Borromeo School in South Philadelphia
February 1, 2000: Cardinal Dedicates New Church in Montgomery County
January 27, 2000: Archdiocese Celebrates Catholic Schools Week
January 27, 2000: Cardinal To Make Major Announcement
January 20, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Celebrate Mass for Life in the New Millennium
January 19, 2000: Vatican Approves Pontifical Degree Program at St. Charles Seminary
January 14, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Discuss Pain and Prejudice on Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 10, 2000: Cardinal Accepts Cluster Pastoral Plan for Philadelphia-South Cluster
January 10, 2000: Cardinal Expresses Sadness at School Closings and Parish Restructuring
January 5, 2000: Don Guanella Plays Host to Villanova Women's Basketball Team
January 4, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Preside at Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Service
January 3, 2000: Cardinal Accepts Cluster Pastoral Plan for Cluster 53
January 3, 2000: West Chester Students Service Project in Mexico
January 1, 2000: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Discuss Great Jubilee Year 2000