Press Release Index

2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
2006| 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998

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December 23, 2003 - Statement from the Office for Communications Regarding Lawsuit Filed On December 23, 2003

December 23, 2003 - Christmas Liturgies



December 22, 2003 - Cardinal Rigali's Christmas Message to the People of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

December 18, 2003 - Statement of Cardinal Justin Rigali - Archdiocese Aggressively Implements Charter

December 18, 2003 - Catholic Standard and Times Article - Archdiocese Aggressively Implements Charter

December 16, 2003 - Cardinal Rigali To Make Pastoral Visit To Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center

December 12, 2003 - It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas... At Operation Santa Claus Wrapping Center

December 11, 2003 - Cardinal Rigali To Host 48th Annual Christmas Party for Children

December 3, 2003 - Statement of Cardinal Justin Rigali on the Appointment of Bishop Raymond Burke as Archbishop of St. Louis

November 26, 2003 - Local Teens 'Skate with Santa'

November 26, 2003 - 10th Annual John Redmond Basketball Tournament

November 19, 2003 - T.O.D.A.Y. Thanksgiving Dance

November 19, 2003 - Nutritional Development Services Adds Schools To Hot Lunch Program for 2003-2004

November 17, 2003 - Cardinal Rigali Accepts Recommendation to Change the Status of Holy Trinity Parish in Montgomery County

November 14, 2003 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia to Host Relic of the Tilma of Tepeyac Tour

November 5, 2003 - Cardinal Rigali's Statement Regarding Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act

November 4, 2003 - Cardinal Rigali to Dedicate Visitation Homes and Cardinal Bevilacqua Community Center

November 3, 2003 - Cardinal Rigali to Celebrate 41st Annual Martin de Porres Mass

October 30, 2003 - Catholic Life Congress 2003

October 29, 2003 - Don Guanella School Hosts Halloween Dance

October 22, 2003 - Cardinal Rigali Celebrates First Mass in Philadelphia as Cardinal

October 21, 2003 - Elevation of Archbishop Justin Rigali to Cardinal

October 20, 2003 - Media Availability with Archbishop Justin Rigali

October 15, 2003 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Pope John Paul II

October 9, 2003 - Catholic Social Services Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Housing and Homeless Services

October 8, 2003 - Archbishop Justin Rigali Gets a "Taste of Philadelphia" His First Day on the Job

October 6, 2003 - Media Advisory Regarding Archbishop Justin Rigali's "First Day"

October 6, 2003 - Archbishop Rigali Information

October 6, 2003 - Installation Information

October 3, 2003 - Youthfest 2003 - The Archdiocesan Celebration of World Youth Day

October 2, 2003 - Media Advisory for Installation of Archbishop Justin Rigali As Archbishop of Philadelphia

September 30, 2003 - Media Credentials and Briefing Session for Installation of Archbishop Justin Rigali

September 28, 2003 - Statement by Cardinal Bevilacqua Regarding Naming of Cardinals by Pope John Paul II

September 23, 2003 - Cardinal Bevilacqua to Celebrate Annual Puerto Rican Mass

September 19, 2003 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Celebrates Papal Honorees

September 18, 2003 - Update on Sports

September 17, 2003 - Farewell Mass for Bishop Martino Cancelled Due to Hurricane Isabel

September 17, 2003 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Congratulates and Bids Farewell to Bishop Joseph Martino

September 16, 2003 - Cardinal Bevilacqua Accepts Recommendations to Consolidate Saint John Neumann and Saint Maria Goretti High Schools

September 15, 2003 - Statement By Cardinal Bevilacqua Regarding End of Teachers Strike

September 15, 2003 - Statement from Judge Clement J. McGovern, Chief Negotiator, Regarding Contract Vote by the Teachers Union

September 15, 2003 - Fact Sheet

September 12, 2003 - Joint Statement from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Association of Catholic Teachers

September 11, 2003 - Teacher Contract Negotiations/School Scheduling

September 10, 2003 - Teacher Contract Negotiations/School Scheduling/Sports Scheduling

September 9, 2003 - Evening Update Regarding Teacher Contract Negotiations

September 9, 2003 - Update Regarding Negotiations/School Scheduling/Sports Scheduling

September 8, 2003 - Evening Update Regarding Teacher Contract Negotiations

September 8, 2003 - Statement Regarding Teacher Contract Negotiations/Latest School Schedule

September 8, 2003 - News Conference Regarding Teacher Contract Negotiations

September 7, 2003 - Update Regarding Teacher Contract Negotiations

September 6, 2003 - Update Regarding Teacher Contract Negotiations

September 6, 2003 - Statement Regarding School Scheduling/Update

September 5, 2003 - Update Regarding Teacher Contract Negotiations

September 5, 2003 - Update Regarding Monday Schedule

September 3, 2003 - Update Regarding Teachers Strike

September 2, 2003 - Plans for Archdiocesan High Schools During the Teachers Strike

September 2, 2003 - Statement Regarding Strike Vote By the Teachers Union

September 2, 2003 - Update Regarding Teacher Contract Negotiations

September 1, 2003 - Evening Update Regarding Teacher Contract Negotiations

September 1, 2003 - Statement Regarding Teacher Contract Negotiations

August 31, 2003 - Update Regarding Teacher Contract Negotiations

August 29, 2003 - Update Regarding Teacher Contract Negotiations

August 25, 2003: Statement Regarding Teacher Contract Negotiations

August 01,2003: Don Guanella School and NBA Referees Host Clinic

July 31, 2003: Catholic Social Services Receives $672,000 Grant for Senior Employment Program

July 29, 2003: Catholic Social Services Hosts Brake the Cycle Tour

July 25, 2003: One Millionth Meal Served

July 25, 2003: Philadelphia Auxiliary Bishop Named as Bishop of Scranton

July 21, 2003: Children's Summer Theater Program Presents "Proud To Be An American"

July 14, 2003: Celebration of Gratitude in Honor of Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua

June 26, 2003: Statement Regarding Pastoral and Financial Report for Fiscal 2001-2002

June 23, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua To Re-Dedicate Saint Gabriel's Hall Following $12 Million Renovation

June 10, 2003: International Catholic Deaf Association to Hold Conference in Philadelphia

May 30. 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua issues Synod Enactments

May 28, 2003: Archdiocesan High Schools Graduate 5,437 Seniors

May 27, 2003: Summer Food Service Program Seeks to Feed More Hungry Children

May 16, 2003: Top 2% of Senior Class Honored for Their Outstanding Academnic Excellence

May 15, 2003: Josephine C. Connelly Achievement Awards Presented to Eighth-Grade Students

May 14, 2003: Sean F. O'Neill To Be Ordained To The Priesthood

May 14, 2003: Kevin B. McGoldrick To Be Ordained To The Priesthood

May 14, 2003: Stephen C. McDermott To Be Ordained To The Priesthood

May 14, 2003: Kevin P. McCabe To Be Ordained To The Priesthood

May 14, 2003: Joseph J. Martin To Be Ordained To The Priesthood

May 14, 2003: Philip Matthew Forlano To Be Ordained To The Priesthood

May 14. 2003: Anthony J. DiGuglielmo To Be Ordained To The Priesthood

May 14, 2003: John C. CrowleyTo Be Ordained To The Priesthood

May 14, 2003: Thomas J. Cavanaugh To Be Ordained To The Priesthood

May 14, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua To Ordain Nine Men To the Priesthood

May 09, 2003: Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools (BLOCS) to Hold Annual Gala at Park Hyatt Philadelphia Hotel

May 08, 2003: Mother's Day May Procession 2003

May 06 2003: 2003 Catholic Charities Appeal Kickoff Celebration

May 05, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua Saddened By School Closing

May 02, 2003: Background Information regarding the Office for Youth and Young Adults and Camp Neumann

May 02, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Celebrate Masses for Couples Married 25, 50 Years or More

May 01, 2003: Don Guanella Hosts Villanova Women's Basketball Team

April 28, 2003: Neumann Scholars for 2003

April 16, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua's Easter Message

April 11, 2003: Holy Week and Easter Liturgies

April 7, 2003: Cardinal Breaks Ground for New Fine Arts Wing

April 1, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua To Dedicate New Facility For St. Francis-St. Joseph Homes for Children

March 28, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua To Celebrate Annual Migration Mass

March 25, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua To Dedicate $13 Million Supportive Independent Living Community

March 20, 2003: Cardinal to Celebrate Mass for Peace

March 20, 2003: Statement regarding War in Iraq from Cardinal Bevilacqua

March 19, 2003: Convo 2003

March 18, 2003: Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua Calls for Prayer Regarding Current International Situation

March 13, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Celebrate St. Patrick's Day Observance Mass

March 7, 2003: Catholic Youth Organization and the Philadelphia 76ers Up for Hall of Fame Awards Dinner

March 7, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Welcome Almost 1000 New Members Into the Catholic Church

March 5, 2003: Archdiocese of Philadelphia Priest Named To Vatican Post

March 3, 2003: Catholics Called on To Pray and Fast for Peace on Ash Wednesday

February 28. 2003: Operation Rice Bowl Begins On Ash Wednesday

February 26, 2003: Archdiocese Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Pope John Paull II's Call for a New Evangelization

February 26, 2003: "Kujenga" Weekend

February 19, 2003: 5th Annual Archdiocesan Youth Conference

February 19, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua to Address Pennsylvania Press Club in Harrisburg

February 14, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua To Celebrate Mass for Altar Servers

February 11, 2003: Valentine Dance for Disabled Youth

February 3, 2003: Statement of Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua Regarding Space Shuttle Columbia Tragedy

January 29, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua Celebrates Annual Mass of Thanksgiving for Teachers Celebrating 25th Anniversary

January 23, 2003: Statement of Rev. Msgr. Timothy C. Senior, Secretary for Catholic Human Services Regarding Proposed Rules Changes of the Department of Housing and Urban Development

January 22, 2003: Archdiocese of Philadelphia Celebrates Catholic Schools Week

January 21, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua To Lead Thousands From Philadelphia to Annual March for Life

January 16, 2003: Cardinal Celebrates Mass for Life and President Bush Proclaims National Sanctity of Human Life Day

January 16, 2003: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

January 14, 2003: News ConferenceAdvisory

January 13, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua Saddened by School Closings

January 10, 2003: Cardinal Bevilacqua To Preside At 20th Annual Interfaith Prayer Service in Honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 3, 2003: Cardinal's Statement Regarding Slick Duck Comic Brigade Skit

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