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December 23, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Make Christmas Visit to Montgomery County Prison
December 22, 2009 - Bishops Call Senate Heath Care Reform Bill "Deficient," Essential Changes Needed Before Moving Forward
December 21, 2009 - Santa and His Elves Are On Their Way to Needy Children
December 19, 2009 - Health Reform Bill Needs More Work Despite New Language on Abortion, Says Catholic Bishops
December 19, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Urges Caution During Extreme Winter Weather
December 18, 2009 - Christmas "Cardinal Rigali Show" Live from Varalli Restaurant
December 17, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Announces Papal Honors for Philadelphia Priests
December 17, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Celebrates Christmas Liturgies
December 16, 2009 - Schools Throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Hold Live Nativities
December 15, 2009 - Bishops Want Health Care Reform Aligned with Current Abortion Funding Laws; Urge Support for Menendez Amendment to Waive Waiting Period for Legal Immigrants
December 14, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Hosts 54th Annual Christmas Party for Children
December 9, 2009 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia to Induct Five Honorees into Hall of Fame
December 7, 2009 - National Vocation Awareness Week to be Celebrated January 10-16
December 7, 2009 - U.S. Bishops Urge Senators to Support Nelson-Hatch-Casey Amendment on Health Care Reform; Urge Constituents to Back It
December 7, 2009 - The Office of Catholic Educations Responds to Charges Filed Against Teacher
December 3, 2009 - 42nd Annual Operation Santa Claus: Wrapping Centers
November 24, 2009 - Advent/Christmas Season Web Site Offers Resources For Prayer, Reflection; Has Printable Family Activity Calendar
November 23, 2009 - Our Lady of Confidence Day School Hosts Day of Gratitude to Recognize Volunteers
November 23, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Celebrate Mass for Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
November 23, 2009 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Hispanic Radio Show
November 20, 2009 - U.S. Bishops Voice Disappointment in Abortion-funding provisions in Senate Health Bill, Urge Better Care for Immigrants and Affordability
November 20, 2009 - National Religious Leaders Release Historic Declaration on Christian Conscience
November 18, 2009 - First Freshman Class Will Tour New Pope John Paul II High School
November 17, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Congratulates Archbishop Dolan on Yankees' World Series Victory
November 16, 2009 - Vianney Drama for Year of the Priesthood
November 16, 2009 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Honors Distinguished Principals
November 11, 2009 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Catholic Life Congress 2009
November 9, 2009 - Cardinal George Lauds House Action to Ban Federal Funds for Abortion
November 9, 2009 - Catholic Schools Honor Those Who Served This Veterans Day
November 6, 2009 - Bishops To House: Keep Abortion Funding Out Of Health Care Reform, Make Health Care Available To Vulnerable
November 4, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Celebrate 47th Annual Saint Martin De Porres Mass
October 30, 2009 - Bishops' Conference Blankets Parishes with Inserts Against Expansion of Abortion Through Health Care Reform
October 30, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Bless All Souls Cemetery
October 29, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Appoints Top Administrators to New Pope John Paul II High School
October 28, 2009 - World Series Wager: Cardinal Rigali and Archbishop Dolan
October 16, 2009 - Saint John's Hospice Hosts Volunteer and Donor Day
October 14, 2009 - Confirmation Schedule Fall 2009
October 13, 2009 - Pennsylvania's Catholic Bishops issue statement on health care reform
October 08, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali, U.S. Bishops Seek Changes to Current Health Care Bill
October 05, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Mass
October 01, 2009 - USCCB Pro-Life Committee Chairman Releases Statement for Respect Life Sunday
September 30, 2009 - Adoremus Te II: Archdiocesan Celebration of National World Youth Days
September 28, 2009 - Pa Historical Marker To Be Dedicated To Roman Catholic High School Founder
September 28, 2009 - Lawsuit Filed Against Pastor Of Saint Luke The Evangelist Parish
September 25, 2009 - Don Guanella School and Special Olympics to Host Comedy Spectacular
September 22, 2009 - Christ the King Parish Hosts Police, Firefighter Mass of Appreciation
September 21, 2009 - St. Luke the Evangelist Parish in Glenside to Hold Blue Mass
September 18, 2009 - St. Agnes-Sacred Heart School Celebrates International Peace Day
September 16, 2009 - DePaul Catholic School Welcomes 100 New Students to its School Community
September 11, 2009 - Championship Softball Team Takes Photos with Phillies World Series Trophy
September 10, 2009 - USCCB Officials Welcome President Obama's Statements on Abortion, Care for the Poor in Response to Health Care Address
September 8, 2009 - Bishop McFadden and Mayor Nutter Welcome Students Back to School
September 8, 2009 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Opens Academic Year With Gratitude
August 31, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Appointed Apostolic Administrator for Diocese of Scranton
August 28, 2009 - Building Community Using Online Tools for Collaboration
August 19, 2009 - Statement Re: Charges Against Former Coach at Kennedy-Kenrick Catholic High School
August 14, 2009 - U.S. Bishops Launch Web Site on Health Care Reform, Their Position and Concerns
August 11, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Calls Abortion Provisions in House Health Care Bill "Unacceptable"
August 7, 2009 - Peace Day Celebration
August 3, 2009 - Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Philadelphia Area
July 30, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Urges House Committee to Support Pro-Life Amendments
July 30, 2009 - Theology on Tap 2009
July 29, 2009 - Don Guanella School to Host 11th Annual NBA Referee Clinic
July 27, 2009 - Bishop-Elect Senior To Be Ordained
July 14, 2009 - The Deaf Apostolate to Sponsor Day Camp for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children
July 13, 2009 - Farewell for Bishop Joseph Cistone
July 10, 2009 - Archdiocesan High School Recognized By Sports Illustrated Website
July 10, 2009 - Archdiocesan Parish School Sponsors Can'Ya Help Kenya - Christmas in July Dance
July 7, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Criticizes Final NIH Guidelines for Destructive Stem Cell Research
June 30, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Protests Move to Fund Abortion in District of Columbia
June 29, 2009 - Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony For Catholic Social Services Greenhouse Project
June 25, 2009 - U.S. Bishops, Catholic Relief Services Call for Greater Commitment to the Poor in Climate Change Legislation
June 23, 2009 - Archdiocese Responds to Allegation Against Rev. Gerald Dunne, O.S.F.S.
June 19, 2009 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Observes Year of the Priest
June 18, 2009 - Archdiocese Responds to Lawsuit Regarding Reverend John M. McDevitt, O.S.F.S.
June 17, 2009 - God, Chastity and the Catholic Teen
June 15, 2009 - Food That's In When School Is Out
June 10, 2009 - John W. Hallahan High School Utilizes Social Media for Summer Reading
June 9, 2009 - Corpus Christi Procession To Draw Over 1,000
June 8, 2009 - Monsignor Timothy E. Senior Named Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia
June 5, 2009 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Announces Closure of Our Lady of Hope
June 4, 2009 - Police Commissioner Ramsey Selected as Keys & Sword Recipient
June 1, 2009 - U.S. Bishops Express 'Profound Regret' about Shooting Death of Abortion Doctor
May 28, 2009 - Archdiocesan High Schools Graduate the Class of 2009
May 22, 2009 - Sentencing of Reverend Charles Newman, O.F.M.
May 15, 2009 - 12 Archdiocesan Schools Honored as Top 100 Nationally for Math Achievement
May 14, 2009 - CSS Hosts After-School Arts Festival
May 13, 2009 - Richard Smith to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 13, 2009 - Michael Speziale to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 13, 2009 - Jonathan Dalin to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 13, 2009 - John Weber to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 13, 2009 - Jeffrey Rott to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 13, 2009 - Anthony Rossi to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 12, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Ordain Six Archdiocesan Men to the Priesthood
May 8 2009 - NIH & Congress: Oppose Funding of Destructive Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Support Cures We Can All Live With! (See Cardinal Rigali's Video)
May 6, 2009 - High School Youth and Adults to be Honored at Mass and Recognition Celebration
May 5, 2009 - Bishops Urge Catholics to Contact Congress and NIH: Oppose Destructive Stem Cell Research
May 1, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Celebrate Masses for Couples Married 25, 50 Years or More
April 30, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Lead Archdiocesan Pilgrilmage
April 29 2009 - Bishops' Divine Worship Committee Publishes Q & A on Swine Flu, Mass
April 24, 2009 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Kicks Off Annual Catholic Charities Appeal
April 23, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Praises House Re-Introduction of "Pregnant Women Support Act," Urges Co-Sponsorship
April 21, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Criticizes Draft NIH Guidelines for Destructive Stem Cell Research
April 17, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Celebrates Mass for Victims, Survivors of Italy Earthquake
April 17, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Bless New Abbot of Daylesford Abbey
April 7, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Lead Good Friday "Way of the Cross"
April 3, 2009 - Holy Week and Easter Masses
April 2, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Presides at Cross Installation Atop Pope John Paul II High School
March 30, 2009 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Announces School Closures
March 27, 2009 - More than 475 Archdiocesan Students To Perform at the Kimmel Center
March 26, 2009 - Archbishop Carroll Celebrates Two Historic State Championships
March 23, 2009 - Update Regarding Reverend Gerard J. Hoffman
March 19, 2009 - Father Bransfield Tapped to Coordinate Bishops' Strategic Plan
March 19, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Celebrate Annual Mass for Persons With Disabilities
March 18, 2009 - Doctor, Nurse, Medical Students Call for Conscience Protection on USCCB Web Site
March 16, 2009 - Cardinal George Urges Catholics to Tell Administration: Keep Conscience Protections for Health Care Workers
March 10, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Celebrate St. Patrick's Day Observance Mass and March in Parade
March 6, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Celebrate 12th Annual Migration Mass
February 26, 2009 - Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Holds 16th Annual Hall of Fame Awards Dinner
February 24, 2009 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Observes Ash Wednesday
February 23, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali Announces Historic Initiative - Heritage of Faith - Vision of Hope
Cardinal Justin Rigali Video from Press Conference
• Bishop Joseph McFadden Video from Press Conference
• Mr. James Delaney Comments at Press Conference
February 20, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Celebrate Altar Servers Mass
February 18 2009 - Pope Urges Catholic US Legislators to Defend Life
February 18, 2009 - St. Charles Borromeo Seminarians to Participate in Hoops for Hope
February 12, 2009 - Conwell-Egan Welcomes Descendant of Harriet Tubman
February 5, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Congress: Keep Existing Pro-Life Laws
February 4, 2009 - Massive Nationwide Pro-Life Postcard Campaign Underway
February 4, 2009 - Schools in Philadelphia Closed Today
January 26, 2009 - Cardinal Rigali to Bless New Building at St. Francis of Assisi Parish School
January 20, 2009 - Eleven Archdiocesan Educators Named "21st Century Fellows"
January 16, 2009 - The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Celebrates Catholic Schools Week
January 15, 2009 - Bishops Address Opportunities, Challenges for New President, Congress
January 14, 2009 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Remembers the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King
January 9, 2009 - Confirmation Schedule Spring 2009
January 6, 2009 - Pennsylvania Catholic Health Association Announces 2009 Board of Directors