2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
2006| 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
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December 22, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: Christmas and the Reason for Our Joy
December 21, 2012 - Celebrate Christmas Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
December 17, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: Advent, Suffering and the Promise of Joy
December 14, 2012 - 16th Annual Blessing of the Nativity Scene in Love Park
December 10, 2012 - Celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe with Las Manañitas
December 5, 2012 - Archbishop's Annual Christmas Benefit for Children Marks Its 56th Year
November 30, 2012 - Celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe with Las Mañanitas
November 21, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: This Thanksgiving - Rekindling the Fire of Holiness
November 15, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: Christian Faith and God's Hand in History
November 15, 2012 - Archbishop Ryan Academy for the Deaf Celebrates 100th Anniversary
November 12, 2012 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Catholic Life Congress 2012
November 12, 2012 - Nutritional Development Services Awarded ConAgra Foods Foundation Grant
November 9, 2012 - USCCB: Bishops to Vote on Canonical Step for Dorothy Day Canonization
November 8, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: What a ‘Community of Believers’ Really Means
November 7, 2012 - Our Lady of Confidence Day School to Celebrate "Confidence Day"
November 7, 2012 - Award Winning Choir from London to Perform in Cathedral Basilica Concert Series
November 7, 2012 - Blessing of Hot Lunch Program
November 1, 2012 - A Statement of the Pennsylvania Catholic Bishops on the 2012 Elections
October 30, 2012 - Archdiocesan Schools in Philadelphia Will Re-Open on Wednesday, October 31, 2012
October 29, 2012 - Statement of Archbishop Chaput Regarding Hurricane Sandy
October 29, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: Public Witness and Catholic Citizenship
October 28, 2012 - Archdiocesan Schools in Philadelphia Closed Monday and Tuesday Due to Hurricane
October 26, 2012 - Office of Catholic Education Information on Inclement Weather
October 26, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput to Celebrate 7th Annual Hispanic Heritage Mass
October 24, 2012 - USCCB: USCCB Offers Resources to Help Families Celebrate the Year of Faith
October 19, 2012 - USCCB: Bishops' Defense of Marriage Chair Decries Latest DOMA Ruling
October 18, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: Public Witness and Catholic Citizenship
October 18, 2012 - USCCB: Pope Names Vatican Archbishop Joseph Tobin to Indianapolis
October 16, 2012 - Premiere of Sign Language Formation Video Series
October 12, 2012 - USCCB: Archbishop Chaput on Canonization of Blessed Kateri Tekawitha
October 11, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: The Year of Faith and How We're Called to Live It
October 10, 2012 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia to Induct Five Honorees into Hall of Fame
October 10, 2012 - USCCB: Preaching Document on Agenda for all Bishop's Meeting
October 9, 2012 - USCCB: Study Finds Abundance of Potential Priests, Sisters, Brothers
October 5, 2012 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Opens Year of Faith
October 1, 2012 - USCCB: Archbishop Aymond Offers '10 Ways Vatican II Shapes the Church Today'
September 28, 2012 - Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary to Host 3rd Annual Vianney Cup
September 28, 2012 - Update Regarding La Milagrosa, The Miraculous Medal Chapel
September 28, 2012 - Informe Sobre La Milagrosa, La Capilla de La Medalla Milagrosa
September 27, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: How We Got Where We Are, and the Value of the Past
September 21, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: Remembering Why Our Time, and Our Lives, Matter
September 20, 2012 - USCCB: Mass, Pilgrimage for Life, Liberty set for October 14 at National Shrine
September 18, 2012 - Archdiocese Responds to New Civil Lawsuits
September 18, 2012 - Saint John's Hospice Marks 50 Years of Service to the Homeless in Philadelphia
September 17, 2012 - Update Regarding Reverend Michael Chapman
September 14, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: Some Thoughts on Catholic Faith and Public Life
September 11,2012 - St. Martha Manor Resident Celebrates 100th Birthday with a Hot Air Balloon Ride
September 10,2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: Justice, Terrance Williams and the Death Penalty
September 7,2012 - Archbishop Chaput Marks First Anniversary With Letter To Parishioners
August 22, 2012 - Cathedral Concert Series 2012-2013
August 17, 2012 - USCCB: Bishop Madden Sends Greetings to Muslim Community at Ramadan's End
August 16, 2012 - USCCB: New Poverty USA Website Offers Statistics, Stories, Resources to Catholics
August 14, 2012 - Confirmation Schedule - Fall 2012
August 8, 2012 - 800th Anniversary Celebration of the Founding of the Poor Clare Sisters
August 7, 2017 - USCCB: 2012 People of Life Awards to Therapist, Religious Sister
August 3, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput to Concelebrate Mass During Indian Catholic Heritage Day
July 27, 2012 - Statement Regarding the Arrest of Reverend Andrew D. McCormick
July 25, 2012 - USCCB: Bishop Blaire Urges Congress to Retain Tax Credits for Working Poor
July 17, 2012 - Philadelphia Parishioners Head to National Black Catholic Congress
July 17, 2012 - Former Lacrosse Coach Charged
July 15, 2012 - Update Regarding Reverend Geraldo J. Piñero
July 06, 2012 - Archdiocese Announces Additional Resolutions of Cases of Priests on Administrative Leave (Spanish)
- Resolutions to Additional Cases of Priests on Administrative Leave
- Background Regarding Resolutions to Additional Cases of Priests on Administrative Leave
July 5, 2012 - Record Crowd Closes Fortnight for Freedom at National Shrine in Washington
July 04, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Homily: National Closing Mass of the Fortnight for Freedom
June 28, 2012 - Bishops Renew Plea to Congress and Administration to Repair Affordable Care Act
June 26, 2012 - Archdiocesan Schools Receive National Honors For Math Achievement
June 25, 2012 - Bishops Greet Supreme Court Decision on Immigration with Hope, Caution
June 22, 2012 - Archdiocese Reacts to Verdict in Trial of Monsignor William Lynn
June 21, 2012 - Archdiocese Announces Steps to Cut Projected Deficit
June 21, 2012 - USCCB: Religious Liberty Supporters To Text 'Freedom' Or 'Libertad' (Spanish)
June 19, 2012 - Nutritional Development Services to Hold Annual Blessing of the Summer
June 18, 2012 - Newly Proposed Saint Blaise Regional School Will Not Open Due to Low Enrollment
June 11, 2012 - USCCB: Dioceses Gear Up For Fortnight For Freedom, June 21-July 4
June 11, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: Nine Months Ago Today; and Some Changes for the Future
June 8, 2012 - USCCB: Pope Names Auxiliary Bishops for Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY
June 7, 2012 - Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally at Independence Hall
June 3, 2012 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia to Host the 2015 World Meeting of Families
June 1, 2012 - The Missionaries of Charity Sisters to Receive the Keys and Sword Award
June 1, 2012 - USCCB: Sikh-Catholic Consultation Discusses Four Levels Of Dialogue
May 29, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput Welcomes Appointment of New Denver Archbishop
May 29, 2012 - Archdiocesan High Schools Graduate the Class of 2012
May 20, 2012 - Update Regarding Monsignor George J. Mazzotta
May 20, 2012 - Statement Regarding Monsignor Hugh P. Campbell
May 18, 2012 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Holds Voucher Sunday Across The Five County Region
May 15, 2012 - USCCB Submits Comments on Proposed HHS Rulemaking
May 15, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput to Ordain Six Men to the Priesthood
May 15, 2012 - Daniel J. Dwyer to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 15, 2012 - Anthony R. Hangholt to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 15, 2012 - Robert A. Ianelli to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 15, 2012 - John P. Masson to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 15, 2012 - Timothy J. McGuire to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 15, 2012 - Thomas P. Whittingham to be Ordained to the Priesthood
May 10, 2012 - U.S. Bishops Applaud Approval of N.C. Marriage Amendment
May 10, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: Thoughts on an Invitation to Grace
May 9, 2012 - Cardinal Dolan: President Obama's Remarks on Marriage 'Deeply Saddening'
- Resolutions to Some of the Cases of Priests on Administrative Leave
- Background Regarding Resolutions to Some of the Cases of Priests on Administrative Leave
April 30, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput Celebrates the Bond of Marriage
April 26, 2012 - Saint John Vianney to Hold Scholarship Sunday
April 23, 2012 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Joins Great Schools Compact
April 20, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput to Celebrate Mass Marking the 100th Anniversary of La Milagrosa
April 19, 2012 - 2012 Catholic Charities Appeal (CCA) Attracts Significant Donations
April 17, 2012 - Federal Budget Choices Must Protect Poor, Vulnerable People
April 13, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Column: Some Thoughts on 'Our First, Most Cherished Liberty'
April 12, 2012 - USCCB -Bishops Issue Call to Action to Defend Religious Liberty
April 12, 2012 - Catholic School Students for Catholic Charities to Host Collection Celebration
April 11, 2012 - Catholic Social Services Awarded the 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant
April 10, 2012 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Announces the Appointment of New Review Board Members
April 5, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Homily: 2012 Holy Thursday Chrism Mass
April 4, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Weekly Column: Holy Week, Easter, and the Beginning of New Life
March 30, 2012 - Holy Week and Easter Masses at the Cathedral
March 29, 2012 - Day of Prayer and Fasting for Religious Freedom
March 22, 2012 - Announcing Archbishop Chaput's New eBook: A Heart on Fire
March 21, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput Forms Pastoral Council
March 13, 2012 - Rally for Religious Freedom at Independence Hall
March 9, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput To Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day Observance Mass
March 8, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Weekly Column: Where We Are as a Church, Six Months Later
March 7, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput to Celebrate Annual Mass for Persons with Disabilities
March 7, 2012 - Media Advisory: Archbishop Chaput Hosts Student Town Hall Meeting
March 3, 2012 - Statement Regarding Reverend Patrick G. McCormick
March 2, 2012 - Cardinal Dolan Voices Dismay at Handling by White House
March 1, 2012 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Hosts 4th Annual Men's Spirituality Conference
February 28, 2012 - Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Holds 18th Annual Hall of Fame Awards Dinner
February 28, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput Welcomes Almost 800 New Members Into the Catholic Church
February 23, 2012 - The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Announces New Chief Financial Officer
February 21, 2012 - Steeples and Cross to be Placed on New Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Church
February 21, 2012 - Ash Wednesday in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
February 16, 2012 - Spring 2012 Confirmation Schedule
February 15, 2012 - Cardinal Urges Senate Support of 'Respect for Rights of Conscience Act'
February 13, 2012 - USCCB -Six More Things Everyone Should Know About HHS Mandate
February 9, 2012 - Announcement Regarding the Resignation of Brother Timothy Ahern, F.S.C.
February 9, 2012 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Launches 2012 Catholic Charities Appeal
February 9, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Weekly Column: Catholic Charities and the Work of the Gospel
January 29, 2012 - Operation Rice Bowl Kicks Off for the 37th Year
January 26, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput's Weekly Column: Catholic Schools Week--How You and I Can Help
January 19, 2012 - Archbishop Chaput to Lead Thousands to the 39th Annual March for Life
January 10, 2012 - Archdiocese of Philadelphia Remembers the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 9, 2012 - The Archdiocese Celebrated National Vocations Awareness Week 2012