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December 2, 1998



In hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there . . . the hope of more than 11,000 needy children in the Philadelphia area. You can be a part of this holiday program!

The Office for Youth and Young Adults of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia displays the spirit of Christmas through a wonderful, nondenominational program called Operation Santa Claus. New, unused and unwrapped toys are collected, wrapped and distributed to children from struggling families throughout the Philadelphia area. During the drive, December 8 - December 18, toy collection boxes are located in all branches of Beneficial Bank.

People may also choose to give monetary contributions which will be used for Santa costumes, wrapping paper, trucks, vans, transporting volunteers, toys, printing and postage. All monetary donations are used solely for the program. Individuals, businesses, clubs or groups who wish to play a larger role in the success of Operation Santa Claus, should contact the Archdiocesan Office for Youth and Young Adults at 610-649-9476.

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Marie Kelly
Associate Director