December 21, 1998
Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua, Archbishop of Philadelphia, calls on Americans to take a moment during the holidays to pray for the future of the country in which they live. "Have we stopped to think that while the United States government was bombing Iraq and political leaders were impeaching a President, people were out Christmas shopping?" asked Cardinal Bevilacqua. "It is important that we pause to reflect upon the moral and spiritual climate of our country. "
"It is unfortunate that we have come to this sad day of impeachment of a President. It is as if there is a cloud hanging over our nation. Our country needs healing, but I am convinced that with prayer and trust in our Heavenly Father, God will let good come from this present crisis," says Cardinal Bevilacqua. "One of the great lessons may be a deeper appreciation and respect for unequivocal and unchanging truth."
While Cardinal Bevilacqua takes no political position on impeachment or censure, his Eminence calls upon all people of good will to pray "that our United States Senators, for the good of the country, will resolve this matter fairly and expeditiously."
Editor's Note: Cardinal Bevilacqua will address the subject briefly at the top of his weekly radio show tonight at 5:00 p.m. on WZZD 990AM. If you are interested in coming to the radio station, please call John Miller in the Communications Office at 587-3747.
Cathy Rossi
Communications Director