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October 20, 1999


The Archdiocesan Celebration of World Youth Day

More than 800 teens will participate in Youthfest ‘99, a spiritual and fun-filled gathering of high school students sponsored by The Office for Youth and Young Adults of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on

Saturday, October 23, 1999
12 noon - 10:00 p.m.
Cardinal Dougherty High School
6301 N. 2nd Street
Philadelphia, PA

This event is the local celebration of World Youth Day. Activities will include a carnival, games, liturgy, dinner and dancing. Brian Johnson, a nationally renowned motivational speaker from the Diocese of Galveston/Houston, will give the keynote presentation.

Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua, Archbishop of Philadelphia, will be the celebrant and homilist at the Youth Mass.

The agenda for the day is:
12 noon Registration
1:00 p.m Keynote presentation by Brian Johnson
2:00 p.m. Outdoor Carnival and Indoor Olympics
5:00 p.m. Youth Mass - Cardinal Bevilacqua is
Celebrant and homilist
6:30 p.m. Dinner
7:30 p.m. Dance - both popular and country square dancing

For more information on the day's events contact Robin Pede at 610-649-9410.

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Marie Kelly
Associate Director

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