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October 29, 1999


Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua, Archbishop of Philadelphia, will host two youth forums with students of Catholic high schools, to discuss issues of violence in their lives. The forums will take place on

Tuesday, November 2, 1999
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Cardinal O'Hara High School
1701 S. Sproul Road
Springfield, PA

Friday, November 12, 1999
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Cardinal Dougherty High School
6301 N. Second Street
Philadelphia, PA

The forums were initiated as a means of response to the widely publicized violence at Columbine High School in Colorado last spring, together with the deeply troubling existence of violence in our own communities and lives. Approximately 500 students from 22 Archdiocesan high schools will attend each of the forums. Selection of the students in attendance has been done in most schools through the guidance counselors. The students will have the opportunity to ask questions, offer comments, and generate thoughtful discussion with Cardinal Bevilacqua on the reality of violence.

The following high schools will be represented at the November 2 forum: Monsignor Bonner; Archbishop Carroll; Saint Maria Goretti; Kennedy-Kenrick; Lansdale Catholic; Saint John Neumann; Cardinal O'Hara; Archbishop Prendergast; Bishop Shanahan; West Catholic; Saint Pius X; and Archbishop Wood.

The following high schools will be represented on November 12: Conwell-Egan Catholic; Cardinal Dougherty; Father Judge; John W. Hallahan; Saint Hubert; Little Flower; Bishop McDevitt; Northeast Catholic; Roman Catholic; and Archbishop Ryan.

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Marie Kelly
Associate Director

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