November 15, 1999
In a letter dated October 29, 1999, sent to Rev. Msgr. John T. Conway, Regional Vicar for Philadelphia South, Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua, Archbishop of Philadelphia, accepted the Cluster Pastoral Plan for Cluster 25 and commended the pastors and all who served on the Cluster Pastoral Planning Committee. The three parishes of Cluster 25 are:
St. Martin de Porres
Visitation B.V.M.
Cluster 25's plan centers on these objectives:
1) To evangelize. This will be accomplished with invitations to parents of non-Catholic school students to attend parish events and Sunday liturgy. It will also be accomplished with visits and letters of welcome to those in new and redeveloped housing.
2) To sustain vitality and morale within the Cluster. This will be accomplished by acknowledging appreciation of lay volunteers and by forming a Cluster Committee to investigate Temple University resources including the possible use of facilities.
3) To realize financial stability. This will be accomplished by increasing parishioners' awareness of stewardship and by seeking outside financial assistance from groups such as alumni and Parish Partners. Parish Partners are parishes (usually one city and one suburban parish) which establish a link for the purpose of sharing various resources.
4) To reach out to youth, young adults and males. This will be accomplished by focusing on acquiring more male teachers in grade schools and by starting more collaborative efforts among parish Catholic Youth Organizations (CYO) of the Cluster.
5) To develop lay leadership. This will be accomplished by holding joint meetings of the three parish pastoral councils of the Cluster and by planning CYO leadership programs on a Cluster level.
6) To provide religious education. This will be accomplished by organizing a Cluster-sponsored Forum on Catholic Social Justice Teachings with an invitation to Parish Partners.
Editor's Note: Media inquiries should be directed to Rev. Msgr. John T. Conway at 215-476-7484.
Donna Crilley
Communications Assistant