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May 16, 2000


Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua, Archbishop of Philadelphia, will deliver an address, "Let Us Build a Future Together: Pope John Paul II's Call To Reconciliation"

Thursday, May 18, 2000
8:00 p.m.
Congregation Adath Jeshurun
7763 Old York Road
Elkins Park, PA

Cardinal Bevilacqua was invited by Rabbi Seymour Rosenbloom. The Cardinal will address the Pope's recent visit to Jerusalem and a plea for forgiveness for acts committed by Christians against the Jewish people.

Background: In his homily on Good Friday at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Cardinal Bevilacqua echoed the sentiments of the Holy Father, asking God to forgive all the Catholic faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia who may have expressed in any way prejudice and hatred against God's chosen people, His Jewish sons and daughters. The Cardinal last addressed a Jewish Congregation on Yom Kippur, September 30, 1998 when he spoke about the Vatican document "We Remember: a Reflection on the Shoah."

The Cardinal's address is open to the public. Congregation Adath Jeshurun has invited both the Jewish and non-Jewish community, including rabbis in local congregations, as well as pastors of neighboring Catholic parishes.

Cardinal Bevilacqua will answer questions from the congregation after his address and then greet members of the congregation. After the reception line, the Cardinal will be available for media interviews.

Editor's Note: Still photographers and television cameras will be allowed to document the address. All media is asked to set up tripods in the rear of the sanctuary. A mult box for audio feed will be provided. Cameras will be allowed to move respectfully around the sanctuary. Media is asked to keep movement to a minimum.

Catherine L. Rossi
Director of Communications

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