September 5, 2000
A news blackout imposed on Friday evening, September 1st has been lifted. Negotiators representing the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Association of Catholic Teachers worked over the Labor Day weekend and remained at the bargaining table from 10:30 a.m. Monday, September 04 until 1:00 a.m. Tuesday, September 05, but failed to reach a tentative contract agreement.
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia presented the Association of Catholic Teachers with a three-year contract offer, which it believes is fair and equitable. The proposal includes:
- for the average teacher, a salary increase of 4.1% in the first year of the contract, 3.5% in the second year of the contract and 3.5% in the third year of the contract
Currently, the average annual teacher salary for Archdiocesan high school teachers is $38,737.
The proposed increase would raise the average teacher salary to $40, 321 in the first year of the contract, $41,747 in the second year of the contract and $43,185 in the third year of the contract.
- there would be no change in employee medical contributions in the first year of the contract
- for those enrolled in Personal Choice, doctor co-payments would increase from $5.00 to $10.00 and prescription co-payments would increase from $5.00 to $10.00 for generic drugs and from $10.00 to $15.00 for brand name drugs
- any increase in employee monthly medical contributions would depend on the increase implemented by our insurance carrier. The Archdiocese has no way of knowing from its insurance carriers exactly how much medical premiums will increase over the next several years. Employee monthly medical contributions would increase by $.50 (for individual coverage) and $1.00 (for full family coverage) for every percentage point that the cost of Personal Choice increases
For example: Currently, under Personal Choice, a teacher pays $12.00 a month for individual coverage and $45.00 a month for full family coverage. These contributions would not change in the first year. During the second and third years of the contract, if the cost of Personal Choice increases 6%, a teacher would pay $15.00 a month for individual coverage and $51.00 for full family coverage. If the cost of Personal Choice increases 10%, a teacher would pay $17.00 a month for individual coverage and $55.00 for full family coverage.
"We think our contract offer balances the need to give a reasonable salary increase and benefits package to our teachers, while enabling the Archdiocese to contain the cost of tuition. When tuition increases, enrollment declines. We have kept tuition increases at just $100 a year for the last five years. We need to maintain enrollment and continue to attract more students to keep our Catholic high schools healthy and viable," said Catherine L. Rossi, Director of Communications.
Cathy Rossi