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May 10, 2001


The third Mercy Works Service Project - Tend the Sick will serve as a volunteer recruitment opportunity. Anyone interested in donating their time at Archdiocesan nursing homes in the Philadelphia-North Vicariate is invited to attend an open house. Visitors are welcome to take a tour and talk to staff members about volunteer opportunities.

Reverend Monsignor Francis W. Beach, Vicar for Philadelphia -North, will preside at a Prayer Service at Saint John Neumann Nursing Home in Philadelphia. After the service, student volunteers from Father Judge High School, in Northeast Philadelphia, will deliver more than 500 potted plants to residents at Saint John Neumann Nursing Home and nearby Immaculate Mary Home, the two Archdiocesan nursing homes in the Philadelphia-North Vicariate. (There are a total of 12 Catholic nursing homes in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, five of which are owned by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.)

Prayer Service and Flower Delivery
Friday, May 11, 2001
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saint John Neumann Nursing Home
10400 Roosevelt Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19116

Open House - Two Locations
Saturday, May 12, 2001
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

St. John Neumann Nursing Home
10400 Roosevelt Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19116
Immaculate Mary Home
2990 Holme Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19136

The Mercy Works Service Projects are based upon existing Archdiocesan volunteer efforts and are intended to be reminders that we are called upon to serve our neighbor all year long. Each Mercy Works Service Project will take place in a different Vicariate of the Archdiocese. In April 2001, volunteers worked at three homeless shelters in the Philadelphia-South Vicariate. In February 2001, volunteers filled and delivered breakfast bags to homebound seniors in the Bucks County Vicariate.

Feed the Hungry
Bucks County Vicariate
February 17, 2001

Shelter the Homeless
Philadelphia South Vicariate
April 7, 2001

Tend the Sick
Philadelphia North Vicariate
May 12, 2001

Visit Those in Prison
Montgomery County Vicariate
July 14, 2001

Clothe the Naked
Chester County Vicariate
September 29, 2001

Bury the Dead
Delaware County Vicariate
November 10, 2001

Donna Farrell
Broadcast and Media Specialist

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