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October 19, 2001

Mercy Works Service Project -- Bury The Dead

Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, Archbishop of Philadelphia, will celebrate Mass in the Field of Saints Peter and Paul Cemetery in Delaware County in commemoration of all the faithful departed. This is the sixth and final Mercy Works Service Project, based upon the Corporal Works of Mercy, taking place during the year 2001. All of the faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are welcome to attend the Mass, especially those who have loved ones buried at any of the Catholic cemeteries within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Saturday, November 10, 2001
1:00 p.m.
Saints Peter and Paul Cemetery
1600 South Sproul Road
Marple Township, Delaware County

In case of inclement weather, Mass will be celebrated at:
Cardinal O'Hara High School (across the street from the cemetery)

Anyone planning to attend the Mass is requested to register in advance so that the proper accommodations can be made. To register, please call 215-587-0547. Members of the media who have questions may contact the Office for Communications at 215-587-3747.

The Mercy Works Service Projects are based upon existing Archdiocesan volunteer efforts and are intended to be reminders that we are called upon to serve our neighbor all year long. Each Mercy Works Service Project will take place in a different Vicariate of the Archdiocese. In September 2001, volunteers collected clothing at a parish in the Chester County Vicariate. In July 2001, Cardinal Bevilacqua visited inmates at Graterford Prison in the Montgomery County Vicariate. In May 2001 volunteers visited residents at nursing homes in the Philadelphia - North Vicariate. In April 2001, volunteers worked at three homeless shelters in the Philadelphia-South Vicariate. In February 2001, volunteers filled and delivered breakfast bags to homebound seniors in the Bucks County Vicariate.

Feed the Hungry
Bucks County Vicariate
February 17, 2001

Shelter the Homeless
Philadelphia South Vicariate
April 7, 2001

Tend the Sick
Philadelphia North Vicariate
May 12, 2001

Visit Those in Prison
Montgomery County Vicariate
July 14, 2001

Clothe the Naked
Chester County Vicariate
September 29, 2001

Bury the Dead
Delaware County Vicariate
November 10, 2001


Donna Farrell
Broadcast and Media Specialist