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November 27, 2001


Dr. Marianne Ritchie Gordon to Head Committee For 2002 Catholic Charities Appeal

Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua, Archbishop of Philadelphia, has appointed Marianne Ritchie Gordon, M.D., of Haverford, Delaware County, as Chair of the Special Gifts Committee for the 2002 Catholic Charities Appeal. Dr. Ritchie Gordon is a member of St. John Neumann Parish in Bryn Mawr. She is the Chairperson of the annual May Procession at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia, a member of the Stewards of St. John Neumann and a speaker for Pennsylvanians for Human Life.

Dr. Ritchie Gordon also a member of the Jefferson Medical College Executive Alumni Committee and a committee member of the annual Catholic Hall of Fame. She is married to Stuart Leon Gordon, M.D. and has three children: Andrew, Victoria and Phillip. Dr. Ritchie Gordon is a gastroenterologist.

Dr. Ritchie Gordon succeeds Mr. Brian Gail, President of GailForce Communications, who served as Chairperson during the past two years. The Special Gifts Committee of the Catholic Charities Appeal was created in 1980 and is intended to attract larger monetary gifts from those who are able to afford them. Last year the Special Gifts Committee raised $1.7 million. The Catholic Charities Appeal raises the dollars necessary to fund the human services programs of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Dr. Ritchie Gordon will be introduced as the Chairperson of the Special Gifts Committee at a Day of Inspiration that will take place at Saint Gabriel's Hall in Audobon, Montgomery County.

Saturday, December 1, 2001
3:00 p.m. Tour
4:15 p.m. Mass
Saint Gabriel's Hall
1350 Pawlings Road
Audubon, Montgomery County

At the conclusion of Mass (approximately 4:45 p.m), the Most Reverend Robert P. Maginnis, Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia, will introduce Dr. Ritchie Gordon as the new Chairperson.

The Day of Inspiration is an opportunity for the Special Gifts Committee members to visit one of the agencies they help to support. Saint Gabriel's Hall is part of Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. It is a comprehensive residential program for adjudicated boys, ages 12 to 17, and is conducted by the Christian Brothers.

The Catholic Charities Appeal serves people of all faiths. In 1999-2000, more than 70 agencies, schools, programs and residences provided care and support to over 250,000 men, women and children throughout the Greater Philadelphia area.

Donna Farrell
Broadcast and Media Specialist