April 24, 2002
in response to announcement by District Attorney Regarding Grand Jury Investigation
released through Communications Director, Catherine L. Rossi
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia acknowledges with surprise and, quite frankly, disappointment the decision of the District Attorney to call for a Grand Jury investigation. Nonetheless, the Archdiocese pledges its cooperation with the Grand Jury investigation as it has been cooperating with the District Attorney's office. It is important to note that counsel for the Archdiocese had two very productive meetings with the District Attorney and staff members. During these meetings, both parties discussed appropriate ways the Archdiocese could provide information to the District Attorney regarding cases of sexual abuse of minors by clergy.
The Archdiocese's overriding concern has always been and continues to be the confidentiality and privacy of victims. Indeed, a number of victims have reiterated their strong appeal not to have their names or circumstances revealed to others. That concern was paramount in the discussions with the District Attorney's office. It is the Archdiocese's genuine desire that this investigative process will protect the victims right to confidentiality.
The Archdiocese is confident that at the conclusion of this investigation the District Attorney's office will find that the Archdiocese has acted at all times in conformity with the laws of the Commonwealth and more importantly has been responsive to the concerns and needs of the victims.
Catherine L. Rossi
Director of Communications