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September 15, 2003

Monday, September 15, 2003

School Scheduling

• Teachers scheduled to report to schools at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, September 15th

• All students should report for school on Tuesday, September 16th

• Schools will use holidays and holy days to make up school days lost during the strike. All graduation dates will remain the same.

• Because physical conditioning and safety are a primary concern in contact sports, such as football, the athletic schedule will be readjusted. A new Catholic League schedule will be issued later this week. Non-contact sports may commence immediately.

• The Association of Catholic Teachers began its strike on September 2, 2003, which was supposed to be an organizational day for teachers

• Archdiocesan high school students reported to school as scheduled on September 3th, 4th and 5th for orientation
The 22 Archdiocesan High Schools were closed Monday, September 8th through Monday, September 15th.

Teachers Contract

Teachers will receive salary increases of $1,000 in the first year, $1,300 in the second year and $1,500 in the third year. These increases represent a raise of approximately 9.1% over the three years of the contract.

These increases are slightly higher (one tenth of one percent more) than those rejected by the Association's Executive Board on Monday, September 8, 2003. The average increases in that offer were $968, $1286, and $1488 or 9.0% over the three years of the contract. The increases are $100 per year higher than the general membership rejected when it did not ratify the original contract offer on September 2, 2003.

Under the Personal Choice medical plan, the cost of doctor's office visits will increase but the Archdiocese arranged with Blue Cross to eliminate the $150 outpatient surgery and inpatient hospital deductibles that were of great concern to the teachers. There will be increases in prescription costs that encourage teachers to work with their doctors to select less expensive, yet equally beneficial drugs.

The amount that teachers contribute toward the cost of their medical insurance coverage will change from a flat dollar amount to a percentage amount that will automatically increase as the cost of medical insurance coverage increases. The percentage that teachers contribute for each of the different medical plans will increase each year. However, teachers will have the option of lower contributions if they move to a less expensive plan, for example, if they move from Personal Choice to either Keystone Point of Service or H-M-O.
The contribution rates are as follows:

First Year
Personal Choice 7.5 %
Keystone POS 7.5%
Keystone HMO 7.5%

Second Year
Personal Choice 8.5%
Keystone POS 8.0%
Keystone HMO 7.5%

Third Year
Personal Choice 9.5%
Keystone POS 8.5%
Keystone HMO 8.0%

Catherine L. Rossi
Director of Communications

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