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September 16, 2003


Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua has accepted the recommendation to consolidate Saint John Neumann High School and Saint Maria Goretti High School in South Philadelphia. In August, the Secretary for Catholic Education forwarded a recommendation to Cardinal Bevilacqua based upon the work of a Steering Committee and its recommendation for consolidation. Cardinal Bevilacqua has accepted the recommendation for the new school name:Saints John Neumann and Maria Goretti Catholic High School. The school will be located at the site of Saint Maria Goretti High School.

Cardinal Bevilacqua said, "Saint John Neumann and Saint Maria Goretti High Schools both have rich traditions in serving the people of South Philadelphia. They produced many generations of well-educated students who have enriched the Philadelphia community and beyond. While some may be saddened at the loss of these two educational institutions as individual entities, I trust that people will recognize that this consolidation will create a stronger Catholic high school for the future.

People should also take comfort in the new school name, Saints John Neumann and Maria Goretti Catholic High School, which honors the heritage of each of the schools. Saint John Neumann was not only the fourth Bishop of Philadelphia, he was the first male U.S. citizen canonized a saint and was credited with starting the parochial school system in Philadelphia. Saint Maria Goretti is a wonderful role model for young women everywhere and has been linked to South Philadelphia for almost fifty years.

I commend all of those who have worked and will continue to work on the various committees for their many hours of dedication. I am confident the consolidated school will continue the commitment to excellence inspired by these two saints. Consolidation will ensure that a quality, Catholic education remains a viable presence in South Philadelphia."


Saint John Neumann High School was founded in September 1934 as Southeast Catholic High School. The school's name was changed to Bishop Neumann in 1955 and Saint John Neumann in 1978. It is an all-male school with a current enrollment of 601. The school has operated at a significant deficit for the last nine years, thus the Office for Catholic Education asked that a study be initiated in March 2003 for possible consolidation or closure. Saint Maria Goretti High School was founded in September 1955. It is an all-female school with a current enrollment of 704. In May 2003, a Strategic Planning Team and an Ad Hoc Committee unanimously recommended the possible consolidation of the two high schools.

Catherine Rossi
Director of Communications

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