November 19, 2003
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Nutritional Development Services (NDS) serves lunch to over 11,000 children daily through the Hot Lunch Program. For the new school year, NDS added six schools in four counties to the program and now provides meals at 78 Catholic elementary schools and 14 private and charter schools. The program has been well-received by principals, parents and children at the new schools.
Sister Catherine Clark, I.H.M, principal of Saint William Parish Elementary School in Northeast Philadelphia, said, "The parents are really appreciative of the program. The children love the variety and the fact that the food is warm and tasty. Students will stop me daily to find out what's for lunch." Saint William's joined the Hot Lunch program in September.
The Hot Lunch consists of an entree, served with a fruit or vegetable, bread and a half-pint of milk. The meal provides each child with one-third of their recommended daily allowance for major nutrients and calories. The vice-principal of Nativity of Our Lord Parish Elementary School in Warminster, Bucks County, Ms. Joanne M. Johnston, commented that "The response to the lunch program has been far greater than we anticipated and it is continuing to grow. Our students are very enthusiastic about the quality and variety of meals."
The six new schools for the Hot Lunch Program are:
Saint William
6200 Palmetto Street, Philadelphia
Holy Innocents
1312 E. Bristol Street, Philadelphia
Saint Norbert
Greenlawn & Leopard Roads, Paoli, Chester County
Saint Martin of Tours
1 Riverstone Circle, New Hope, Bucks County
Nativity of Our Lord
585 W. Street Road, Warminster, Bucks County
Immaculate Conception
606 West Avenue, Jenkintown, Montgomery County
The cost of a full price lunch is $1.60. Based upon the family's income, a child may be eligible for a reduced price (40 cents) or free lunch. To help students make healthy food choices, Nutritional Development Services work to educate students about proper nutrition. Nutritionists visit participating schools and encourage the consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and milk.
Saint Martin of Tours Parish Elementary School in New Hope, Bucks County also joined the Hot Lunch program this year. The principal, Mrs. Deborah Jaster, said "The school lunch is a beautiful thing. It goes so smoothly and the children and parents are really delighted with it." The principal of Holy Innocents Area Catholic School in the Juniata Park section of Philadelphia, Sister Shaun Thomas, I.H.M, said that "We're delighted we're in the program. The kids are really enjoying the food and there is little waste."
For more information about participating in the Hot Lunch Program, please contact Archdiocese of Philadelphia Nutritional Development Services at 215 -895 - 3470.
Donna Farrell
Broadcast and Media Specialist