April 10, 2006
Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia, encourages the parishioners of the Archdiocese to pray for Pope Benedict XVI as he commemorates two important events in this life: his 79th birthday on Easter Sunday, April 16th and the first anniversary of his election as pope on Wednesday April 19th. Cardinal Rigali has offered three petitions to be read at Masses from April 16th through April 19th:
Sunday, April 16th
For the Church of God,
especially for our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI
on the occasion of his 79th birthday
that the Lord will bless him with good health and renewed vigor,
we pray to the Lord:
Monday, April 17th and Tuesday, April 18th
For the Church,
and especially for Pope Benedict XVI
as he approaches the first anniversary of his election
as the Successor of Peter
that the Lord may grant him the grace and strength
to Shepard the whole flock of Christ,
we pray to the Lord:
Wednesday, April 19th
For the Church of God,
and especially for Pope Benedict XVI
on the first anniversary of his election
as the Pastor of the Universal Church
that the Lord may give him strength in his ministry
as the visible source and foundation or our unity,
we pray to the Lord:
Meredith V. Wilson
Communications Specialist