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April 27, 2006


Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia, will be the celebrant for Mass in which the faithful of the Archdiocese are encouraged to pray for comprehensive immigration reform. Parishes throughout the Archdiocese will join spiritually and also offer prayer. Monday, May 1st is the memorial of Saint Joseph the Worker.

12:05 p.m.
Monday, May 1, 2006
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
18th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway

Cardinal Rigali is urging the people of the Archdiocese to pray that political leaders will pass moral, just and comprehensive reforms of our broken immigration system. Rather than turning our backs on our history of welcoming the immigrant, we must find ways to recognize and be grateful for the contributions that immigrants make to our land through their culture.

The Cardinal's efforts are part of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) plan for Catholics around the United States to express their concern for the need of comprehensive reform in our nation's immigration system on May 1st. For more information on the Catholic initiative for immigration reform, please visit

Cardinal Rigali issued a statement on January 9, 2006 regarding immigration reform and also participated in an interfaith forum at the Archdiocesan Office Center on February 16, 2006 where various religious leaders spoke out about the necessity for immigration reform.

Editor's Note: Television cameras will not be permitted in the Cathedral. An audio and video mult-box feed will be provided in the parking lot of the Cathedral. Please enter on 17th Street, between Race and Vine Streets. Crews will need a bnc connector and a recording deck or a live truck. Reporters and still photographers will be permitted in the Cathedral.
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Meredith V. Wilson
Communications Specialist

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