May 2, 2006
Cover the Uninsured Week is May 1-7, 2006. Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia announces a timely program for this week:
People who lack health insurance can now get help accessing some coverage and a range of health care and social services. Uninsured patients who use a hospital emergency room for medical treatment are often referred to a Personal Navigator, a service of Catholic Social Services in Montgomery County.
The Personal Navigator enters a client's information into a database of services, then helps the person find health insurance, prescription medications, energy assistance, mental health treatment, drug or alcohol treatment, food, housing and transportation assistance, and other services.
The federally funded Personal Navigator has been a pilot program in part of Montgomery County for the past year. Because of its success, the program now expands county-wide.
To learn more about Catholic Social Services on the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, visit www.css-phl.org.
Matthew Gambino
Associate Director