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May 3, 2006

MAY 7, 2006 - MAY 31, 2006

Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia is encouraging the faithful of the Archdiocese to support The Catholic Charities Appeal, which begins in parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on May 7th. The Catholic Charities Appeal raises the dollars necessary to fund the human services programs of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The goal of the 2006 Catholic Charities Appeal is to raise $10 million.

Facts about the 2006 Catholic Charities Appeal….

· 100 percent of funds raised by Catholic Charities Appeal stay within the boundaries of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, serving those in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties

· Ninety-five cents of every dollar donated to the Catholic Charities Appeal goes directly to the social service agencies, programs and schools for which they are intended

· 13 Family Service Centers provide emergency assistance, counseling pregnancy services and an array of after school and family support programs

· Approximately 6,500 meals are served monthly to vulnerable adults and children

· 280 children with special needs attend 5 Archdiocesan schools of special education with the help of the Catholic Charities Appeal

For more information about The Catholic Charities Appeal please call, 215-587-3651 or visit 2006 The Catholic Charities Appeal video is available online.

Meredith V. Wilson
Communications Specialist

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