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December 20, 2006


Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia, will visit the women of Riverside Correctional Facility (RCF) of the Philadelphia Prison System to celebrate Mass for approximately 200 women and spend time with the inmates. Cardinal Rigali has visited the Philadelphia Prison System several times but this is his first visit to the women's facility.

Cardinal Rigali will be greeted by the Commissioner of the Philadelphia Prison System, Leon A. King II, and Warden Louis Giorla. Participating in the liturgy will be Father Gregory Cozzubbo, Chaplain of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Prison Ministry Program who is also Director of Chaplaincy Services at RCF and Deacon Robert Skavinski, a volunteer of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Prison Ministry Program who is also a Deacon at St. Ignatius of Antioch Parish in Yardley. Inmates will participate in the liturgy as readers and altar servers.

Friday, December 22, 2006
10:00 a.m. Mass
7901 State Road
Northeast Philadelphia

Cardinal Rigali first made a pastoral visit to the Philadelphia Prison System during Christmas 2003, shortly after he was installed as Archbishop of Philadelphia, when he celebrated a liturgy for the inmates of the Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center. Last Christmas, Cardinal Rigali visited Curran-Fromhold Correction Facility in Northeast Philadelphia, where he celebrated Mass and visited with the men. In December 2004, Cardinal Rigali visited Graterford Prison.

Riverside Correction Facility opened in June 2004 and houses approximately 768 women inmates of the Philadelphia Prison System.

Editor's Note: Media planning to cover are kindly asked to contact Mr. Bob Eskind, Public Information Officer for the Philadelphia Prison System, at 215-685-7888. Not all inmates wish to be on camera. Prison staff will seat inmates who agree to be on camera in a designated area.

Donna M. Farrell
Director of Communications

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