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April 12, 2007


The Archdiocese of Philadelphia announces that Reverend Gerard J. McGlone, S.J., Ph.D., will serve as the Director of Clinical Services for Saint John Vianney Center, which is operated by Catholic Health Care Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Father McGlone begins the new position in early June 2007. "I am delighted, humbled and honored to be selected for this unique position," said Father McGlone. "Officials at the Saint John Vianney Center were seeking a psychologist who is a priest because they value the integration of psychological and spiritual issues. That kind of approach can have a very positive influence on the future direction of the Catholic Church."

Father McGlone, a native Philadelphian, is a priest of the Society of Jesus and is currently a member of the Saint Joseph's University Jesuit Community. His academic credentials include a doctoral degree in clinical psychology as well as four master's degrees in theology and psychology. His dissertation topic focused on Roman Catholic clerical sexual offenders and his past research at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine has been on non-clerical sexual offenders. Father McGlone's career has included pastoral assignments, teaching (high school, college and graduate levels) as well as clinical counseling and psychotherapy within a variety of settings. His recently published book Creating Safe and Sacred Places, on prevention of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, has been widely used in over 25 major U.S. dioceses. In announcing this appointment, Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Tracy, Secretary for Catholic Human Services, said, "Father McGlone brings a unique blend of expertise, spirituality and talent as priest, educator, therapist and author. I anticipate that Father McGlone's service at Saint John Vianney Center will have significant positive consequences for the wider Church in our time."

Saint John Vianney Center ( is a treatment and education center which has been serving church ministers since 1946 at its Downingtown, Chester County location. The center's mission is to provide psychiatric/psychological assistance and psycho-educational services to priests, brothers and sisters, and consultation to bishops and religious leaders regarding behavioral health. In his role at Saint John Vianney Center, Father McGlone will coordinate clinical aspects of treatment in all of the center's programs, including treatment services for the priests in the Prayer and Penance program. Father McGlone said, "The Archdiocese of Philadelphia and Saint John Vianney Center have crafted this position of the Director of Clinical Services in such a way that it utilizes my skills and my long history of working with patients in many settings," he says. "It provides me with a unique venue, a national one which will be of service to the Church, treating priests and other members of religious orders from all over the country."

Editor's Note: To receive a copy of Father McGlone's biography please email To receive his curriculum vitae, please contact Kate Pipkin, Director of Communications, Maryland Province Jesuits at

Donna M. Farrell
Director of Communications

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