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October 23, 2007


Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia, is urging the faithful throughout the Archdiocese to see the powerful new film "Bella" which opens in select local theaters on Friday, October 26, 2007. Cardinal Rigali said, "This film has a message that is so connected to life: to the problems of life, the challenges of life, the value of life. This film, I believe, is destined to have an extraordinary impact on people's lives."

Bella is a film with wide audience appeal. It was the 2006 winner of the People's Choice Award at the Toronto Film Festival, an honor received by former Academy Award winners including "American Beauty" and "Life is Beautiful" among others. "Bella" is the story of a young woman who becomes pregnant and loses her job and a man who is unable to recover from a tragic accident in his past. The two befriend one another one day, and their friendship ends up changing their lives and bringing new hope to both.

Cardinal Rigali, in his office as Chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on Pro-Life Activities, wrote to his fellow Bishops encouraging them to host advanced screenings of "Bella" with the hope of spreading the positive message of this film. In early October, Cardinal Rigali and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia hosted a private screening of "Bella" at Villanova University's Connelly Center for approximately 200 people, many of whom are pro-life leaders.

"Bella" features actors Eduardo Verastegui, Manual Perez, Angelica Aragon, Jaime Terelli and Ali Landry. Alejandro Monteverde directed and co-wrote the film which was produced by Sean Wolfington, Leo Severino, Alejandro Monteverde and Denise Pinckley with executive producers J. Eustace Wolfington, Marcy Wolfington, Ana Wolfington and Steve McEveety. The Wolfingtons are from the Philadelphia area.

Editor's Note: If you are interested in hosting a screening, please contact Ms. Lutrelle Gordon at Regal Corporate Offices at 1-800-792-8244 ext. 8611. To locate a theater near you showing the film "Bella" please visit If you need further assistance, please contact Mrs. Martie Gillin at

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Meredith Wilson
Communications Specialist

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