November 29, 2007
Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia, invites families and individuals throughout the Archdiocese to a unique Advent Prayer Service - Bless the Baby Jesus. This third annual event is sponsored by the Family Life Office and Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Everyone is encouraged to bring an image or figurine of the Baby Jesus, perhaps from their family Nativity Crèche to be blessed by Cardinal Rigali during the service. The children's choir and handbell choir from Resurrection of Our Lord Parish in Philadelphia will provide music.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
18th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Advent is a time when Catholics prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas. Bless the Baby Jesus is an opportunity to reinforce the central place of Jesus Christ within the family.
Families and individuals are also invited to support those in need during this holiday season by donating new infant clothing, infant formula or monetary donations for the less fortunate. Contributions will be given to the Archdiocesan Catholic Social Services' Family Service Centers and Residences for Women as well as Casa del Carmen.
For those unable to attend Bless the Baby Jesus it will be streamed live on the Archdiocesan website www.archphila.org.
Editor's Note: An audio and video mult-box feed will be provided in the parking lot of the Cathedral. Please enter on 17th Street, between Race and Vine Streets. Crews will need a bnc connector and a recording deck or a live truck. Television cameras will not be permitted in the Cathedral. Reporters and still photographers will be permitted in the Cathedral.
Meredith Wilson
Communications Specialist