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December 19, 2008


Religious Leaders Offer Prayers for Healing, Hope and Peace

The Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia and the Mayor’s Office of Faith Based Initiatives will hold a Memorial Service to conclude the period of mourning for Sergeant Timothy Simpson. The service will be hosted by Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia.

10:30 a.m.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
18th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway

The ecumenical service with interfaith participation will include the presentation of a City of Philadelphia flag to the officer's family by students from Father Judge High School (Simpson son a student), St. Hubert High School (Simpson daughter’s school) and St. Timothy’s School (Parish school). Mayor Nutter will offer remarks and Cardinal Rigali will offer a Closing Prayer and Blessing for Peace.

The service will conclude with a one-minute Pause for Peace. All citizens are asked to pause at noon in prayer for all victims and reflect on how they can help end the violence in their communities.

The Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia was formed in 2006 to unite religious leaders, to build relationships of mutual support, to offer a moral and spiritual voice, and to take action on issues of critical concern in our region. The Council has identified the issue of violence as its first priority and has joined hands with the Mayor and leaders of this region to walk the ways of peace. The Religious Leaders Council is coordinated by the Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia 3723 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19104,, 215-222-1012.

EDITOR’S NOTE: For those unable to attend the Memorial Service, it will be streamed live on the Archdiocese of Philadelphia website at An audio and video mult-box feed will be provided in the parking lot of the Cathedral. Please enter on 17th Street, between Race and Vince Streets. Television cameras will not be permitted in the Cathedral. Reporters and still photographers will be permitted in the Cathedral.

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Kevin Mulligan
Associate Director for Communications

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