December 23, 2009
Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia, will visit the men and women of the Montgomery County Correctional Facility at Eagleville, PA to celebrate Mass and speak to the residents. Cardinal Rigali has made prison visits and Mass a part of his annual Christmas ministry. The 2009 Christmas Mass marks Cardinal Rigali's first visit to the Montgomery County facility.
Prison Chaplain Drew Deagler and Warden Julio M. Alagrin will serve as hosts. Reverend Monsignor Thomas Murray, Pastor of Visitation BVM Parish, Trooper; Reverend Edward Kelly, parochial vicar of Visitation BVM; and Reverend Monsignor Ignatius Murray, of Visitation BVM; who minister to the inmates, will concelebrate with the Cardinal. Inmates will participate in the liturgy as readers and altar servers.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Montgomery County Correctional Facility
60 Eagleville Road
Eagleville, PA 19403
Last year's Christmas Mass was celebrated at Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center in Northeast Philadelphia. In December 2007, Cardinal Rigali visited the Bucks County Prison. Cardinal Rigali's 2006 visit was with the women of Riverside Correction Facility in Philadelphia. In December 2005, Cardinal Rigali visited Curran-Fromhold Correction Facility in Northeast Philadelphia. In 2004, Cardinal Rigali made his first visit to a Montgomery County prison by visiting the state penitentiary at Graterford. The Cardinal's first prison visit as Archbishop of Philadelphia was in December, 2003, to Philadelphia Industrial Correction Center.
Montgomery County Correctional Facility houses both male and female sentenced offenders and individuals awaiting trial.
Editor's Note: Media should arrive no later than 9:00 a.m. for registration. Media (photographers and reporters) will be permitted to cover the Liturgy and the visit. Two forms of photo ID are required, including drivers license. Please also note that faces of inmates should not be on camera, with the exception of those designated by prison officials.
Kevin Mulligan
Associate Director