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May 11, 2010


The Rev. Mr. Stephen C. McCarthy, 27, son of Leslie and Robert McCarthy, will be ordained to the priesthood by Cardinal Justin Rigali on

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Procession 9:45 a.m.
Mass 10:00 a.m.
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
18th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway

A native of Levittown, PA. Rev. Mr. McCarthy has been serving as deacon at Mother of Divine Providence Parish in King of Prussia, Montgomery County. He attended Manor Elementary School; Charles Boehm Middle School; Medill Bair Junior High School; Pennsbury High School; and Pennsylvania State University (2004) before entering Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood. Mr. McCarthy earned Bachelor of Arts (2006) and Master of Divinity (2009) degrees from Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary.

Father McCarthy will celebrate his First Mass on
Sunday, May 16, 2010
2:30 p.m.
Saint Joseph the Worker
9164 New Falls Road
Fallsington, Bucks County

The homilist is Reverend Monsignor Joseph W. Murray. Concelebrants include Reverend Donald G. Birch; Reverend Monsignor John T. Conway and Reverend Monsignor Joseph W. Murray. The deacons are Deacon Mark H. Dillon and Reverend Mr. Christopher P. Landis. .

There are six Archdiocese of Philadelphia men in the Class of 2010. At the end of May, each of the newly ordained priests will be assigned to an Archdiocesan parish where they will serve as parochial vicars. A parochial vicar is a priest appointed by the Cardinal to assist the pastor of a parish.


Editor's Note: If you would like to receive a photograph of Father McCarthy electronically, please contact the Office for Institutional Advancement at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary at 610-785-6231 or

Dan Skalski
Communications/Promotions Coordinator

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