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April 7, 2011


Phil Martelli, Fran Dunphy, and Danny Abramowicz will be the keynote speakers at the Third Annual Men's Spirituality Conference hosted by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on

Saturday, April 9, 2011
8:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Archbishop Ryan High School
11201 Academy Road
Philadelphia, PA

Cardinal Justin Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia,will celebrate the Closing Mass at 4:00 p.m.
The Conference is an opportunity for Catholic men to gather and strengthen one another as they grow in commitment to their faith so that they may more effectively serve their families and the Church.

Phil Martelli is Head Coach of Men's Basketball at Saint Joseph's University, a graduate of Saint Joseph's Preparatory School and Widener University and is the author of Don't Call Me a Coach: A Lesson Plan for Life. Fran Dunphy is Head Coach of Men's Basketball at Temple University, on the faculty of Temple's Fox School of Business, and serves on the National Committee of Coaches vs. Cancer. Danny Abramowicz is a former wide receiver for the New Orleans Saints and the San Francisco 49ers, author of Spiritual Workout of a Former Saint and host of EWTN's "Crossing the Goal."

Other presenters include: Most Reverend John J. McIntyre, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia; Mr. Brian Gail, author of Fatherless; Mr. Ronald Landfair, Director of Multicultural Evangelization, Diocese of Lansing; Reverend Chris Walsh, pastor, St. Raymond of Peņafort Parish; and Mr. Mark Houck and Mr. David D'Nuzzo, Catholic Men's Ministry The King's Men.


Editor's Note: For more information please visit

Kenneth A. Gavin
Associate Director of Communications

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