May 31, 2011
Archbishop of Philadelphia
Regarding the possible elimination of transit passes for school students in Philadelphia
I have followed the discussion regarding the potential elimination of funding for transit passes for approximately 45,000 Philadelphia school students. It is my hope that this situation is resolved quickly for the good of all young people and families who would be affected. This issue impacts not only public school students but also those in eight Archdiocesan high schools located within the city of Philadelphia.
Eliminating transit passes would place a tremendous financial burden upon families in an already challenging economic climate. This possibility also presents safety concerns as some of our young people would need to walk great distances and to cross heavily traveled roads. I was encouraged to learn this afternoon that a resolution may be at hand. I remain hopeful that those parties involved in negotiations will preserve this important program and urge them to remember the needs of all students and their families.
Donna M. Farrell
Director of Communications