November 21, 2011
Cardinal Foley's contributions to the Universal Church
and the field of Communications honored with a permanent Chair
In recognition of his outstanding priestly service to the Catholic Church and distinguished accomplishments as a professional communicator, Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, located in Wynnewood (Montgomery County), announces the establishment of The John Cardinal Foley Chair of Homiletics and Social Communication.
The Seminary's Administration and Board of Trustees voted unanimously to create the Chair in Cardinal Foley's name. The Chair will serve to train seminarians in Homiletics, which is the art of rhetoric in public preaching, and to cultivate a practical knowledge and mastery of modern communication media.
In establishing this Chair, the Seminary expresses esteem for Cardinal Foley, one of its most-distinguished alumni, and seeks to perpetuate his high standards of communicating the Gospel message in the life and ministry of future generations of priests.
Editor's Note: For more information about Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary please visit www.scs.edu. Individuals wishing to contribute funding to the John Cardinal Foley Chair of Homiletics and Social Communications should contact 610-785-6231 or advancement@scs.edu.
Kenneth A. Gavin
Associate Director of Communications