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March 29, 2012

Catholics throughout the Archdiocese and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to offer their Lenten sacrifice this Friday for the cause of religious freedom

Catholics from parishes throughout the five-county Archdiocese of Philadelphia will join in spiritual union with their brothers and sisters throughout the state to preserve their religious liberty tomorrow.

In a letter issued earlier this month through the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference (PCC), all of the Catholic bishops of Pennsylvania called on the faithful throughout the Commonwealth to offer a Lenten sacrifice of prayer and fasting on Friday, March 30th for the cause of religious freedom.

Their request was in response to what Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia and Chairman of the PCC, has called "flawed and dangerous" legislation in the form of the current HHS mandates that severely restrict religious freedom.

Catholics believe that prayer and fasting draw individuals closer to the Lord, inspire them to do God's will, and provides an answer to their petitions. In calling for March 30th as a Day of Prayer and Fasting the bishops of Pennsylvania said, "Offer your sacrifice for the cause of religious liberty, that the Church may be granted the basic right to practice what she preaches, and for our political leaders that their eyes may be opened to the rights of all Americans, including those of faith."


Editor's Note: For a copy of the letter from the bishops of Pennsylvania as well as other resources please visit

Kenneth A. Gavin
Associate Director of Communications

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