April 19, 2012
Two months after the official kick-off of the 2012 Catholic Charities Appeal, the single largest fundraising initiative in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia supporting the charitable works of the Church , the Appeal has raised more than $5.6 million and received more than 38,000 gifts. This figure has exceeded previous donation years and attracted nearly 19,000 donors who returned to the Appeal after having been away for a year or more, or have never donated before.
"The outpouring of support for the Catholic Charities Appeal has been nothing short of extraordinary. This year, we set an ambitious goal of $10 million, and despite these difficult economic times people are finding a way to give and support the thousands of impoverished individuals and families in our communities," said Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. "The response thus far gives me great hope that we can reach our goal and continue to provide help and create hope for those in need."
To provide supporters with a first-hand experience of the good works accomplished through their donations, the Catholic Charities Appeal is hosting a series of Open Houses on Sunday, April 22nd from 1:30 - 4:00pm. Visitors are welcome to take a guided tour and meet staff and some of those served by one of the programs of Catholic Social Services and supported by CCA. These programs provide residential care, education, and professional case management services to disadvantaged youth and developmentally disabled children and adults. Attending an Open House event is a great way to witness how Catholic Social Services and CCA together make a difference in the lives of so many people in the greater Philadelphia region every day.
The following locations will host an Open House on Sunday, April 22nd:
Saint Francis-St. Joseph Homes for Children (Bensalem, Bucks County):
3436 Bristol Pike
Bensalem, PA 19020
A campus residence and school for nearly 100 dependent, neglected or emotionally troubled male youth, St. Francis-St. Joseph offers individualized treatment programs that promote the personal and academic development of each young man, as well as maintaining and strengthening his family relationships.
Saint Lucy Day School for Children with Visual Impairments
& Archbishop Ryan Academy for the Deaf (Northeast section of Philadelphia):
4251 L Street
Philadelphia, PA 19124
This is one of the four operated by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia that are dedicated to the special educational needs of students in order to prepare them for the challenges of life and pursuit of higher education, by providing spiritual and academic instruction, as well as intense development of language skills and training in all areas of the expanded core curriculum.
Saint Gabriel's Hall(Audubon, Montgomery County):
1350 Pawlings Road
Norristown, PA 19407
This campus residence and school provides a structured setting for 200 young men ages 10 to 18 adjudicated by the Philadelphia court system, where they receive the transformative therapeutic, educational, and vocational support needed to support them in making better choices toward a positive and productive future.
Divine Providence Village(Springfield, Delaware County):
686 Old Marple Road
Springfield, PA 19064
A campus residence for adult women with developmental disabilities, Divine Providence Village provides these gifted individuals with daily occupational, recreational and spiritual opportunities to achieve greater independence and reach their fullest human potential.
Saint Edmond's Home for Children (Rosemont, Montgomery County):
320 South Roberts Road
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
At this residence for 40 children with significant physical and developmental disabilities, a dedicated multi-disciplinary team of caring and qualified professionals offers a broad spectrum of medical/nursing and therapeutic services to assist each child to progress in achieving his/her greatest physical, intellectual, and social capacities.
In addition to these five exceptional Catholic Social Services and special education programs of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the Catholic Charities Appeal also helps fund senior community centers, family service centers, hospices and shelters that house and feed the homeless, and afterschool programs for at-risk children. The Appeal constitutes vital support for 80 social service and educational programs that together provide hope and create help to over 250,000 people across the five-county region each year. Ninety two percent of the money raised during the Appeal directly benefits those members of our local community who are most in need.
Founded in 1958 by John Cardinal O'Hara, the Catholic Charities Appeal funds agencies and programs sponsored by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, reflecting our fundamental commitment to defend and promote the sanctity of all human life, the dignity of every individual, and the central role of healthy family life in our community.
Editor's Note: For information about The Catholic Charities Appeal contact 215-587-3651 or visit www.catholiccharitiesappeal.org.
Kenneth A. Gavin
Associate Director of Communications