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May 21, 2012

33rdAnnual Archdiocesan Academic Honors Convocation

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., will celebrate a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul to honor Archdiocesan and private Catholic high school seniors for their academic excellence on:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
6:30 p.m.
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
18th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

The students, who are ranked in the top 3% of their senior class, will be honored for their academic success and dedication to their schoolwork. This year 169 students are included in this elite group according to their cumulative ranks at the end of the first semester of their senior year. This year approximately 4,000 seniors will graduate from Archdiocesan high schools.

Kathleen Logan, a student from Cardinal O'Hara High School in Springfield, Delaware County, is this year's student speaker. Miss Logan will address those in attendance after all students have received their medals.

Those individuals with asterisks after their names are in the Neumann Scholars Program. Initiated in 1995, this scholarship program identifies academically talented eighth grade students through an independently administered competitive examination and provides four year scholarships to attend one of seventeen Archdiocesan high schools.

Schools are categorized below according to county:

Archbishop Wood High School
Michael Heggan
Richard Rosenbaum*
Samantha Nichols
Brianne Haneman*
Brittany Barr*
Steven Buonomo
S. Curran Cornely
Richard Barnes

Conwell-Egan Catholic High School
Alicia A. Rusnak
Audrey M. Rusnak
Patrick T. Long
Bradliegh Navalsky
Carmela E. Straiton

Holy Ghost Preparatory School
Andrew T. King
Michael J. Mahan
Alec M. Pirritano
David E. Poncia

Academy of Notre Dame de Namur
Kayleigh Elisabeth Makoid
Maria Lucia Seykora
Anna Marie Van Kula

Bishop Shanahan High School
Caroline M. Weyback-Liogier
Matthew S. Williamson*
Alexander M. Karlovitz*
Stephanie M. Lytle
Ann F. Gill
Anna Q. Shumard*
Casey E. McCusker*
Samantha L. Harrer
Rose L. Blanchard
Shane T. O'Connor*

Devon Preparatory School
Matthew D. Swatski
Chase B. Weber

Villa Maria Academy
Rachel L. Fulton
Madeline A. Iffert

Archbishop Carroll High School
Thomas M. Catullo
Daniel R. McCusker*
Sean T. Farrell
Megan E. Ziff
Michael C. Mattise
Jessica E. Lafferty
Henry J. Eichman
Margaret C. O'Brien
Julia C. Ciamaichelo

Cardinal O'Hara High School
Lisa Aquino
Michelle Daly
Caitlin Amanda Davis
Fiona Egan
Jennifer Glace
Mallory Anne Hotz
Kathleen Regina Logan*
Nicole M. McAlee*
Kerry O'Sullivan
Robert T. Schuster

Monsignor Bonner and Archbishop Prendergast High School
Alyson E. Stetyick*
Matthew J. Onimus
Danielle M. Beynon
Michael R. Proska
Elizabeth C. Green
Conor M. Egan
Jessica M. Borders
Nicholas Slavin
Kaitlyn Colleluori

Bishop McDevitt High School
Scott A. Stieritz*
Rachel V. Jenkins
Bridget E. Frasca
Mary Grace Estampa
Colleen M. Donnelly
Allan Jamil Terciano

Gwynedd-Mercy Academy High School
Francesca M. Crooks
Maria T. Mick
Emily A. Waschenko

Lansdale Catholic High School
Jane F. Bedrossian*
Lauren K. Sirianni
Andrew T. Hill*
Jordan T. Janinek
Madison R. Keefrider
Meghan L. Erwin

LaSalle College High School
Anthony R. Buonomo
Patrick J. Eble
John J. Fillenwarth
Oscar J. Gryn
Emre T. Karatas
Matthew R. Volpe
Francis W. Worthington

Merion Mercy Academy
Kerry R. Candeloro
Stephanie M. Furlong
Katrina C. Keating
Elizabeth A. Manning

Mount Saint Joseph Academy
Jaclyn A. McCadden
Veronica C. Beck
Maureen B. Gallagher
Colleen A. Tygh

Pope John Paul II High School
Lindsay N. Miller
Akshay G. Patel
Julia G. Yearwood
Shaun P. Gannon*
Rebecca Smith
Edmund C. Rothwein*

Saint Basil Academy
Jennifer D. Blake
Kiersten E. Moore
Taylor A. Wisniewski

Archbishop Ryan High School
Daniel Robert Burke
Michael Anthony Giannone
Patrice McArdle
Jessica Lynn Phares
Christine A. McLaughlin
Rebecca Jones
Justin Q. SanJuan
Paige A. Haviland
Kelly L. Keaveney
Madeline Louise Clifford
John Michael Conway
Brendan Smith
Hayley Catherine Hanuscin

Father Judge High School for Boys
Francisco P. Goncalves*
John C. Landis
Thomas K. Fisher*
Michael W. Donahue*
Thomas P. Amon
Matthew R. Dettra
Evan M. Smith
Howard E. Stickley
James M. Cannon*
Daniel P. Gaughan

John W. Hallahan Catholic Girls' High School
Yvonne Tsang
Brandi McFarland
Alison Huang*
Gabrielle Sautner

Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls
Destiny Lee Marquez
Christine M. Lugrine
Christina Fisher
Megan Guy
Samantha Bastone
Brianna Gomez

Mercy Vocational High School
Priscilla Lugo
Krystal Cruz
Mailisa Crews

Nazareth Academy High School
Kimberly Feldman
Monica Sucharski
Melissa Dragun

Roman Catholic High School for Boys
Michael J. Dubinski*
Joseph J. McCloskey
Anthony J. Iannarelli, III
Nicholas A. Presel
Thien Nguyen Pham
David William Thomas, III
Eric T. VonHofen
Dominik Dos

Saint Hubert Catholic High School for Girls
Krista A. Patterson*
Kathleen M. MacFeeters
Emily A. Devlin
Melissa M. Grochowski
Casey L. Berner*

Saints John Neumann-Maria Goretti Catholic High School
Brittany C. Gatto
Ariana N. Cruz
Alexa L. Fecca
Briana M. Charlton
Gianna N. DeCarvalho
Luis A. Perez

Saint Joseph's Preparatory School
Sean P. Considine
Maguire L. Herriman
Kevin P. King
Timothy M. Koenig
Guiliano F. Pichini
Colin A. Sawyer
Evan T. Wescott

West Philadelphia Catholic High School
Andreas Lorenos
Kiara Jackson
Jaison Sebastion

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Meredith Wilson
Communications Specialist

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