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June 1, 2012


Saint Hubert Catholic High School for Girls today rallied on the steps of the school at Cottman and Trresdale Avenues in support of the immediate proposal and passage of school choice legislation, specifically school vouchers and expanded Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC). As part of the rally, St. Hubert student Claire Alminde encouraged students - as well as parents, neighbors and families - to outreach to state legislators to let Harrisburg hear how important and transformative this type of legislation will be for local families. Highlighting her own positive experience, Alminde spoke to the need for all of those who love St. Hubert's - and all those who love Catholic education - to call, write, e-mail, Facebook and Tweet now in support of voucher legislation and expanded EITC.

Chair of the St. Hubert's Board of Directors, Kathleen Ott Lovell attended the rally as well, saying, "We rallied so often on these steps to save our school. And we did it! But even as Archbishop Chaput said St. Hubert's would remain open, we knew the fight had to continue. Today it does. As we rally on the steps again, in the warmth of spring, we ask our legislators for their help. It's not that St. Hubert's needs school choice legislation - our beloved students do. This is legislation to ensure the success of all future 'Bambies.' It's also about ensuring that all students have a fighting chance to succeed - and all families have the financial support to make the best choice available to them."

Representative Kevin Boyle (172nd Legislative District) also spoke to the crowd of nearly 500 students, teachers, administrators, parents and neighbors, announcing his support of voucher legislation and expanded EITC.

Jason Budd, Deputy Secretary for Catholic Education for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia said, "In the wake of Archbishop Chaput's decision to keep Monsignor Bonner/Archbishop Prendergast, Conwell-Egan Catholic, West Catholic and St. Hubert's open, it has become very clear to Catholics that school choice legislation is not only critical to the long-term sustainability of Catholic education but also, critical to the lifelong success of students in the five counties. We simply cannot continue to lose students to an educational system that determines success by zip code."

For more information about school choice legislation and to learn how to contact legislators regarding this important issue, please visit

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Meredith Wilson
Communications Specialist