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November 12, 2012


NDS is one of 19 agencies nationwide to receive a "Nourish Our Community" grant

Nutritional Development Services (NDS) of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is one of only 19 agencies in the country to receive a 2012 ConAgra Foods Foundation Nourish Our Community Grant. The award amount is $12,500. These awards are presented annually to non-profit organizations that provide exceptional service to communities where ConAgra Foods has operations.

A check presentation with representatives from the ConAgra Foods Foundation and NDS will take place at the Divine Mercy Food Cupboard in Southwest Philadelphia.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
11:30 a.m.
Divine Mercy Food Cupboard
(Located behind Divine Mercy Parish Rectory)
6667 Chester Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19147

Funds from the ConAgra grant will be used to purchase food for the 35 food cupboards NDS assists in the Philadelphia region. It will supplement operating funds from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Catholic Charities Appeal and food collected by schools, parishes, and religious education programs. According to Anne Ayella, Assistant Director for Non-Government Programs and Community Relations at NDS, "Funds from the ConAgra grant will be used to purchase food in greatest demand at these sites."

Last Year, NDS food cupboards assisted 376,580 senior citizens, adults and children as part of its effort to combat hunger in the greater Philadelphia area.

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Editor's Note: For more information on the check presentation, please contact Anne H. Ayella at 267-262-8901. For more information about Nutritional Development Services please visit

For more information on the Catholic Charities Appeal visit

For more information on ConAgra Foods Foundation visit or call 402-240-6303.

Jhoselyn Martinez
Communications Specialist

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