May 21, 2013
34th Annual Archdiocesan Academic Honors Convocation
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., will preach during a Liturgy of the Word before the Academic Honors Convocation at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul to honor Archdiocesan and private Catholic high school seniors for their academic excellence.
6:15 p.m. (procession)
6:30 p.m. (Liturgy of the Word)
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
18th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
The students, who are ranked in the top 3% of their senior class, will be honored for their academic success and dedication to their schoolwork. This year 158 students are included in this elite group according to their cumulative ranks at the end of the first semester of their senior year.
Jonathan Weyand, a student from Bishop Shanahan High School in Downingtown (Chester County) is this year's student speaker. Mr. Weyand will address those in attendance after all students have received their medals. Samuel Casey Carter, Chief Executive Officer of Faith in the Future, the independent foundation that now oversees the Office of Catholic Education and operates the 17 high schools in the Archdiocese, will offer closing remarks.
Those individuals with asterisks after their names are in the Neumann Scholars Program. Initiated in 1995, this scholarship program identifies academically talented eighth grade students through an independently administered competitive examination and provides four year scholarships to attend any Archdiocesan high school.
Schools are categorized below according to county:
Archbishop Wood High School
Adeline Schlussel
Jacklyn Emrich
Jill Snyder
Timothy J. Schisselbauer
Viktoria A. O'Donnell*
Peter S. Czerwonka
Jacquelyn M. Valori
Megan Suder
Conwell-Egan Catholic High School
Kristen Manto*
Daniel McCalley
Matthew Carroll*
Kayla Mood
Amy Gulbin
Holy Ghost Preparatory School
John H. Malin
Lawrence M. Gardner
Jeffrey J. Altmeier
Milton Padilla
Academy of Notre Dame de Namur
Caroline Regina Manion
Tracey Merz
Morgan M. Sanei
Bishop Shanahan High School
Aurora N. Ireland
Danielle A. Kritz*
Jonathan M. Weyand
Kyle R. Reynolds*
Alexandra C. Brennan
Meaghan T. Dohoney
Gregory M. Elliott*
Catherine A. Ibarguen
Christina M. Goggin
Devon Preparatory School
Antonio D. Muscarella
Thomas F. Seykora
Ryan T. Shannon
Villa Maria Academy
Mary E. Shea
Cailey M. Bice
Kathryn J. Challis
Archbishop Carroll High School
Michael J. Baratta*
Aubrie M. Kletzel*
Faith K. Harrison
Regina Ann Brecker
Theodore Q. Vu*
Amanda M. Giuffrida
Stacey A. Oakes
Cardinal O'Hara High School
Alexander J. Fox*
Matthew Phillip McCalla
Grace Louise Schueren
Colleen M. Rogers
Rosemarie McLaughlin*
Charissa Ngoc Pham
Catherine E. Wroblewski
Christopher F. Pastore
Krista C. DeLone
Monsignor Bonner and Archbishop Prendergast High School
Obiajulu C. Adigwe
Sokona Diallo
Gregory N. DiDomenico
Timothy D. Ellis
Claire K. Kimilu
Catherine M. Pilling
John P. Young
Bishop McDevitt High School
Sophia C. DiCamillo
Steven Ferrigno*
Gabriel G. Dwyer
Kaitlyn M. Anticoli
Cecelia M. Lounsberry
Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School
Emily E. Fesnak
Monica Marandola
Isabella R. Menzies
Lansdale Catholic High School
Patrick C. Duggan*
Christine M. Nieman
Daniel N. Maloney*
Nicole Salfi*
Cole R. Sagan
LaSalle College High School
Eric W. Bridgeford
Nicholas U. D'Orazio
Robert J. Gormisky
William C. Lucas
Johnathan M. Neufeld
Ryan E. O'Donnell
Gregory C. Rogers
Robert V. Stratton
Merion Mercy Academy
Mary Kate Donahue
Mary C. Klatt
Katherine C. Riga
Marina Tsikouras
Mount Saint Joseph Academy
Kaitlyn Loftus
Jane Black
Lillian Flashner
Emily Eck
Pope John Paul II High School
Regina T. Capaldo
Alexis M. Ruber
Kerry M. Milligan
Haley J. Mesaros
Kaileigh P. DiFilippo
Keith A. Schival
Saint Basil Academy
Emily A. McCloskey
Mallory M. Tadley
Archbishop Ryan High School
Stephen Michalowski
Ian Mathew Smith*
Anthony Carradorini*
Kevin Lee McNeil
Claire Tiffany Nguyen
Andrew Steven Lenherr*
Jillian M. Janowski
Danielle Taylor Petsis
Christopher Mager
Tara R. Kennedy
Amanda Michelle Peluzzo
Antonella Filipuzzi
Father Judge High School for Boys
Nicholas P. DeMarshall*
Austin G. Gwiazdowski*
Sean M. Hartman
Rosario A. Lomanno
Alexander L. Citerone*
Michael E. Benedykciuk
Lawrence J. Keys
John W. Hallahan Catholic Girls' High School
Kirsten A. Hewitt
Victoria C. Frazier
Ami M. Irvin
Tori T. Broz
Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls
Emily K. Zanker*
Megan Himes
Elizabeth V. Pierce*
Lindsey Gibbs
Natalie Midzak
Ngan Mguyen
Mercy Vocational High School
Danielle M. Friel
Michaiah S. Young
Nazareth Academy High School
Victoria C. Szafara
Michelle Ann Hillsman
Molly T. Scullion
Roman Catholic High School for Boys
Guy Joseph Campanella*
Casey Paul Howshall
Marc A. Stezzi
James Anthony Corcoran
Patrick Prendergast
Matthew S. Foster
Craig M. Diviny
Timothy M. Storino
Brendan W. White
Saint Hubert Catholic High School for Girls
Yingzhu J. Zhang
Jessica L. Conway
Nini H. Dinh
Emily T. Parker
Colleen M. Schindle
Saints John Neumann-Maria Goretti Catholic High School
Justina E. Tesauro
Christopher A. Berry
Robert Arrigo
Long Eo
Peter Pakstis
Saint Joseph's Preparatory School
James D. Finnegan
Nicholas P. Friedlander
Alexander J. Momenee
Alberto M. Pascucci
Vincent M. Pepe
Casey D. Rhode
John S. Shinn
Thomas J. Tomezsko
West Philadelphia Catholic High School
Kenny Ao
Theresa Ta
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Editor's Note: No mult-box feed will be available for media. Cameras will be permitted inside the Cathedral.
For more information on Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia please visit http://www.catholicschools-phl.org/.
Bonnie Olinger
Communications Specialist