May 31, 2013
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia will participate in the ministry of Spiritual Motherhood and Adoration Cenacles, a program begun by the apostolate Pray For My Priest. It seeks to organize faithful Roman Catholic women to put the spiritual care of all priests in the Archdiocese at the forefront of their prayer life and good works.
Its goal is to match each priest anonymously with a "Spiritual Mother", a woman of prayer, who will raise her "priest son" up to God unceasingly in prayer and sacrifice so that he may best fulfill his vocation to serve God and His people.
Additionally, Adoration Cenacles for Priests will invite the faithful to come together in prayer for one hour in front of the Holy Eucharist specifically for the sanctification and fortification of priests.
Editor's Note: For more information or to spiritually adopt a priest, please visit www.stmariagoretti.net/smgyouthgroup.html. Additional information is also available at www.prayformypriest.org.
Kenneth A. Gavin
Director of Communications