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June 13, 2013


Figure reflects one of the largest totals in Archdiocesan history.

The Office of Catholic Education (OCE) and the Faith in the Future Foundation are proud to announce that 3,616 young men and women who graduated from the 17 high schools of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia this June have earned a grand total of $276,806,921 in scholarships. This scholarship total, which includes both academic and athletic scholarships, is one of the largest in Archdiocesan history. 93% of the Class of 2013 will pursue a post-secondary education. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia also had a high school graduation rate of 99% this year.

Among the scholarship winners are two Gates Millennium Scholars, Sharnita Midgett of Archbishop Ryan High School and Sadiyah Malcom of West Philadelphia Catholic High School. The Gates Millennium Scholars Program selects 1,000 talented students each year to receive a good-through-graduation (B.A., M.A., and Ph.D.) scholarship to use at any college or university of their choice. Ms. Midgett and Ms. Malcom were chosen from among 50,000 applicants nationally.

"We couldn't be prouder of the Class of 2013. Through hard work and dedication, these students have earned an impressive amount of scholarship money towards their post-secondary education," said Dr. Carol Cary, Superintendent for Secondary Schools. "The Class of 2013's success further highlights the value of a Catholic Education. Students from our secondary schools are some of the most gifted and talented students in the area. All graduates remain in our prayers as they continue their educational journeys."

"We believe so strongly in these students and the quality Catholic Education they've earned," said Samuel Casey Carter, Chief Executive Officer of Faith in the Future. "The staggering amount of scholarship money this class has achieved is a testament to the strength of this school system and the importance of continuing its growth." "The tools their education has given them will carry the Class of 2013 far into the future. We wish them much success and happiness in their pursuits."

Faith in the Future, is the independent foundation that now oversees the Office of Catholic Education and operates the 17 high schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Over half (53%) of the members of the Archdiocesan Class of 2013 were offered at least one college scholarship. 6,172 total scholarships were awarded to members of the Archdiocesan Class of 2013. Since 2000, Archdiocesan graduates have received more than $2.3 billion in scholarships.

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Editor's Note: For information about Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, please visit

Bonnie Olinger
Communications Specialist