October 1, 2013
in high schools throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
125 high school students in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will be honored as inaugural Maguire Scholars by The Maguire Foundation at a reception hosted by Mr. and Mrs. James J. Maguire, Co-Principals of the foundation.
The Maguire Foundation has committed $5 million dollars in scholarships over the next seven years to support students attending Archdiocesan high schools.
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Drexel University
Behrakis Grand Hall
Creese Student Union Complex
3210 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Bishop Michael Fitzgerald, who oversees Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, said, "We thank Mr. and Mrs. James Maguire and The Maguire Foundation for once again showing their unwavering commitment to educating students attending our schools. These scholarships will directly benefit our school families and enable their children to achieve excellence while preparing for future success within the context of a Catholic education."
For the 2013-2014 school year, a total of 125 freshmen have been selected to receive $2,000 scholarships for each of the four years they attend an Archdiocesan high school. These students were selected in collaboration with the presidents and admission directors at each high school. There are at least six Maguire Scholars represented at each of the 17 Archdiocese of Philadelphia High Schools and Mercy Vocational High School. In order to qualify, students must demonstrate financial need, meet academic benchmarks, actively participate in school activities and illustrate involvement in their communities.
"There is no better American investment today than to educate our students and teach them to believe what they are and to help them become what they believe", stated James J. Maguire, Founder and President of The Maguire Foundation.
The Maguire Foundation's mission is grounded in the belief (as taught by St. Ignatius Loyola), that we are men and women for others. The foundation's focus is to assist children and young adults with an opportunity to benefit from a quality education. They believe this is best achieved by partnering with institutions and families of need by providing tuition, scholarship assistance and grants for education through grade school, high school and college.
The Faith in the Future Foundation is an independent foundation that provides strategic management of the 17 Catholic high schools and four schools of special education and oversees the Office of Catholic Education in the Archdiocese.
Editor's Note: For information about the Faith in the Future Foundation visit http://www.faithinthefuture.com/. To learn more about The Maguire Foundation please visit maguirefoundation.org/index.php.
Bonnie Olinger
Communications Specialist