November 18, 2013
Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary is pleased to announce the launching of its newly redesigned website. The site, www.scs.edu, offers a fresh, vibrant design while continuing to provide pertinent information for current and perspective seminarians and lay students regarding Priestly Formation, the Permanent Diaconate Division, the Graduate School of Theology, and the Ryan Memorial Library.
Highlights of the website include recent Year of Faith lectures by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. and Father Peter J. Cameron, O.P., as well as an online version of The Brook 2012-2013, the annual year-in-review publication of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary. The recently published issue highlights the many exciting changes in progress at the Seminary.
Additional advancements include a newly established Twitter account, launched in unison with the updated website on November 8th, 2013. The twitter account can be accessed via https://twitter.com/StCharlesSem or by using @StCharlesSem. Similarly, the Seminary's Facebook account can be accessed via https://www.facebook.com/SCSeminary.
Editor's Note: Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary has served as a leading institution in the formation of Catholic men for the priesthood in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and dioceses across the country for over 180 years. Established in 1832, the Seminary is comprised of four Schools of Learning: Seminary Theologate, Seminary College, School of Diaconate Studies and Graduate School of Theology. Students of the Seminary work toward academic degrees, catechetical certificates and more.
Stephanie Brophy
Associate Director of Communications