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June 8, 2014


Archbishop Chaput makes final decision in last remaining case of priests placed on
administrative leave following the February 2011 Grand Jury Report

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced today that Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. has made a final decision in the last remaining case of priests placed on administrative leave following the February 2011 Grand Jury Report. While on administrative leave, priests are not permitted to exercise their public ministry, administer any of the Sacraments, or present themselves publicly as priests.

Archbishop Chaput has decided that Monsignor Joseph L. Logrip is suitable for ministry based on unsubstantiated allegations that he sexually abused minors over 20 years ago.

Announcements were made at Saint Stanislaus Parish and Saint Mary Manor, both in Lansdale, when Monsignor Logrip was placed on administrative leave in March of 2011. Follow up announcements were made at those locations this weekend regarding the final decision in this case. Counselors were also made available.

Monsignor Logrip's case followed the same procedure as all other cases of priests placed on administrative leave following the February 2011 Grand Jury Report. Prior to any investigation, the case was submitted to the appropriate local district attorney's office. After the district attorney declined to press charges, investigations were conducted by the Multi-Disciplinary Team and the Archdiocesan Office of Investigations. The results of this process were submitted to the Archdiocesan Professional Responsibility Review Board (APRRB). The APRRB is comprised of twelve men and women, both Catholic and non-Catholic, with extensive professional backgrounds in the investigation and treatment of child sexual abuse. It functions as a confidential advisory committee to the Archbishop, which assesses allegations of sexual abuse as well as allegations of violations of The Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries. This body provided a recommendation as to suitability for ministry to the Archbishop, who made the final decision.

On May 4, 2012; July 6, 2012; October 15, 2012; April 7, 2013; and December 15, 2013 Archbishop Chaput announced resolutions in 25 of the cases of priests on administrative leave. Of the 25, ten priests were found suitable for ministry and fourteen priests were found unsuitable for ministry. In one additional case, the priest died before a full investigation could be conducted so it was not possible to reach a conclusion. All of those cases followed the same process of review by the district attorney, an internal, canonical investigation, review by the APRRB and a final decision by the Archbishop. More information regarding those announcements is available at

All priests found unsuitable for ministry will have no public ministry in the Archdiocese. They do have the right to appeal the decision to the Holy See. For any priest found to have a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor, if they do not appeal, or if their appeal is unsuccessful, they could be laicized (removed from the clerical state) or live a life of prayer and penance.

With the decision announced today, the Archdiocese will continue the initiative entitled Honesty, Healing and Hope in Christ: Confronting Sexual Violence in Our Archdiocese, which was introduced in May 2012. Once a case is resolved the initiative begins at the parish level and consists of four phases over six months. Its purpose is to address the wide variety of reactions, thoughts and feelings that will be experienced as a result of this announcement both immediately and in the days and weeks moving forward. It identifies three primary stakeholders: the victims of the allegation or violation of The Standards of Ministerial Behaviors and Boundaries, the parishioners, who include school and Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) families, and the priests on administrative leave. Through the implementation of this initiative, the Archdiocese continues a journey of honesty, healing and hope toward the restoration of trust.

Biographical Information on Reverend Monsignor Joseph L. Logrip
Monsignor Logrip is 67 years old. He was ordained in 1972. He served at the following parishes, schools and offices: Saint Ignatius, Yardley (1972-1974); Saint Rose of Lima, North Wales (1974-1975); Bishop Kenrick High School (1974-1983); Epiphany of Our Lord, Plymouth Meeting (1975-1981); Saint Gabriel's Hall (1981-1983); Archbishop Carroll High School (1983-1990); Saint Francis of Assisi, Norristown (1990-1992); Saint Monica, Philadelphia (1992-1994); Mater Dolorosa, Philadelphia (1994-2000); Immaculate Conception, Levittown (2000-2007); Saints Philip and James, Exton (2007-2008); Mother of Divine Grace, Philadelphia (2008-2010); Chaplain, Saint Mary Manor (2010-2011); Saint Stanislaus, Lansdale (2010-2011); placed on administrative leave (2011).

To Make a Report
If you would like to report a violation of The Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries, contact the Archdiocesan Office for Investigations at 1-888-930-9010.

If you would like to report an allegation of sexual abuse, contact your local law enforcement agency and/or the Office for Investigations at 1-888-930-9010.

We recognize that this public notice may be painful to victims of sexual violence. If you need support or assistance, victim services are available to you through the Victim Assistance Office of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia at 1-888-800-8780 or


Editor's Note:

Numerical Breakdown of Resolutions to Cases of Priests on Administrative Leave
Cases of administrative leave following the Grand Jury Report:
Resolutions announced on May 4, 2012: 8 (one priest died prior to a full investigation) total of 9
Resolutions announced on July 6, 2012: 6
Resolution announced on October 15, 2012: 1
Resolutions announced on April 7, 2013: 2
Resolutions announced on December 15, 2013: 7*
Priests on administrative leave who were arrested: 1
Resolution announced today: 1
Cases remaining: 0

*One of the resolutions announced on December 15, 2013 involved Father Michael Chapman. He was found suitable for ministry in May 2012 based on an unsubstantiated allegation that he violated The Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries. Subsequent to that announcement, a new allegation was received by the Archdiocese that he had sexually abused a minor. This information was provided to law enforcement and Father Chapman was placed back on administrative leave. Law enforcement declined to press charges and he was ultimately found unsuitable for ministry based on the substantiation of this allegation. At no time was Father Chapman ever returned to active ministry.

For additional background information please visit

Kenneth A. Gavin
Director of Communications

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