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June 18, 2014


Figure reflects the largest total in Archdiocesan history.

The Office of Catholic Education (OCE) and Faith in the Future are proud to announce that 3,629 young men and women who graduated from the 17 high schools of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia this June have earned a grand total of $320,573,955 in scholarships. This scholarship total, which includes both academic and athletic scholarships, is the largest in Archdiocesan history. 91% of the Class of 2014 will pursue a post-secondary education. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia also had a high school graduation rate of 99% this year.

Among the scholarship winners are three Gates Millennium Scholars, Ana DeJesus from John W. Hallahan Catholic Girls' High School, Imani Richburg from West Catholic Preparatory High School and Alex Tieu from Roman Catholic High School for Boys. The Gates Millennium Scholars Program selects 1,000 talented students each year to receive a good-through-graduation (B.A., M.A., and Ph.D.) scholarship to use at any college or university of their choice. Ms. Dejesus, Ms. Richburg and Mr. Tieu were chosen from among 50,000 applicants nationally.

"The record amount of scholarship money the Class of 2014 has earned this year is truly staggering," said Christopher Mominey, Chief Operating Officer and Secretary for Catholic Education. "Our core purpose in the Office of Catholic Education is to equip saints for life in this world and the next. The Class of 2014 is a shining example of what is possible when you pair a quality Catholic Education with the hard work and dedication of teachers, students and parents. As our graduates begin a new chapter in their lives we prayerfully wish them much success and happiness in all their future endeavors."

Over half (58%) of the members of the Archdiocesan Class of 2014 were offered at least one college scholarship. 7589 total scholarships were awarded to members of the Archdiocesan Class of 2014. Since 2000, Archdiocesan high school graduates have earned more than $2.6 billion in scholarships.

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Editor's Note: For information about Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, please visit For information about Faith in the Future, please visit

Bonnie Olinger
Communications Specialist

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