January 21, 2015
Today, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced the launch of the 2015 Catholic Charities Appeal, the single largest fundraising initiative in the Archdiocese directly supporting local Catholic Charities. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. is encouraging the faithful within the Archdiocese to support the Appeal by once again setting a $10 million fundraising goal.
Chaput also announced that in 2014, for the second year in a row, the Annual Appeal exceeded its $10 million fundraising goal, with over 50,000 donors to the appeal, providing services and programs to the most vulnerable people in the region.
Archbishop Chaput said, "I would like to thank each and every person who supported the 2014 Catholic Charities Appeal. No matter how large or small your contribution may have been, you helped to support those who needed it most. Last year, you came forward with exceptional generosity and devotion to help feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, educate the vulnerable and special needs children, and support those in need. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and we thank you for your continued support and dedication. You are helping to give hope to thousands in our area. May God Bless you abundantly."
The Annual Catholic Charities Appeal supplements other funding sources for programs and services administered throughout all five counties of the Archdiocese that provide help and create hope for the elderly and disabled, the hungry and homeless, children and families in need, and persons with disabilities, including:
Over 3,700 people who are served daily through Catholic Social Services; Nutritional Development Services, which partners with 50 area food cupboards to serve over 2 million meals to over 400,000 people each year;
Close to 2,000 people who receive housing through Catholic Social Services each year. This includes housing for homeless persons, children in foster care and adoption, court -adjudicated youth, and persons with developmental disabilities; and
Over 23,000 clothing items that are collected and distributed to homeless and needy families each year.
Editor's Note: For more information, please visit www.catholiccharitiesappeal.org or call Sarah O. Hanley, Director of Development and Fundraising Services at 215-587-5650.
Kenneth A. Gavin
Director of Communications