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"I Am Among You As One Who Serves"

Through the Sacrament of Baptism every Christian has a vocation
- a call from God - to holiness and service. This call is lived out by being single, married, ordained as a priest or deacon, or consecrated as a religious brother or sister. The Holy Spirit invites all of us to share our gifts, talents, and lives in service to others. God calls us from a silent voice deep within to "Come and follow me".

Discovering the vocation that God has given you is a process that takes time. Your abilities and talents, the things that you enjoy doing, and the things that you dislike, can give you some important indications of what God is asking of you.

Your vocation is more than your career choice or occupation. It is God's invitation to live out your commitment to holiness and service in a specific lifestyle that you choose.

Throughout the centuries, men and women have responded to God's call to commit themselves wholly to God and God's people through the consecrated life.


Some women and men choose to live a particular lifestyle called religious or consecrated life...

Pattern their lives after Jesus through presence and availability.

Live a shared life with a common Mission and vision.

Profess evangelical vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

Make time daily for prayer, ministry, and community.

Follow the life and teaching of the founder of their community.

Most sisters, brothers, and priests are very ordinary people who love God and have a burning desire to be of service to others.


How would you describe your relationship with Jesus?

What makes you most happy at this point in your life? How do you share that with others?

Who or what supports you in trying to be the best person you can be?

How are you of service to others?

What are you doing right now to help you decide about your future?


PRAY and spend time listening to God.

TALK to a sister, brother, or priest.

CONTACT the Office of the Vicar for Religious or VISIT the websites of some of the religious communities that serve within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Women's Communities

Men's Communities

Contact: Sr. Kathleen Leary
Coordinator for Religious Life
Phone: 215-587-3795

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